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05 January 2009


Gosh, it feels like it has been forever since I've posted!

It kinda has, but for good reason. I needed some family time!

I have so much to blog about, and it will take me some time, so be patient! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday! I really enjoyed my break, but am happy to get back to work. I finally got the house back to normal, and most everything I wanted to get accomplished done {still have to clean out my closet}!

Now I can relax, and get back into my projects I have going, they keep me sane.

I'll post all of my great Christmas pics and stories tomorrow {hopefully}, I forgot my camera today so I don't have any pictures.

1 comment:

Elyse said...

At least you are getting things accomplished :) Wish I could just jump back into my schedule with that much ease!