Tab was super good to me! I almost can't believe it! He got me a new stereo for the mommy van, a new MP3 player that plugs into said stereo, and a Lola! I lost you with Lola right? Lola is my parents GPS unit. They named her. And we all love Lola. So Tab bought me my own Lola! I tried to give her a new name, but it just didn't seem right! I love her! I'm slightly directionally challenged, so the need for a GPS was pretty huge! Thank you honey, you truly are the best ever!
I thought I would be sneaky this year, and get him something he would never guess, because you see, every year he always guesses exactly what we have gotten him! It's so annoying. Recently he and the other Murry Men finished building a Rat Rod. I took pictures the whole time from beginning to end, and had a book published for him! An actual published book, that people can buy! How cool is that? He loved it, and the best part is.....he never guessed what he was getting! His other present from me was a gift certificate to get "inked".
Now, I don't want to get into some big debate on here about tattoos. You either like them or you don't. Period. Having them DOES NOT make you a bad person, or associate you with some killer gang.
We happen to like them. Tab really likes them. I happen to have 4 small tattoos, most of the time they are covered, but not always. Tab has 6 and is working on a full sleeve. If this is the worst thing my husband does, so be it. He is a wonderful man, an amazing person, and a kick booty step-dad to Caroline, and that's all that really matters!
So if you don't like no further on this post!
Working on the outline

Working on the outline

Finished Outline






1 comment:
That looks like it hurts!!
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