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25 June 2011

I Might be Addicted

I've realized that I have a problem...with nail polish. 

I've always loved nail polish, and I knew I had a lot of it.  What I didn't realize is that I'm apparently an OPI junkie.  There's even more polish in the clear tub in the above picture.  Good grief.  And I have several doubles of my favorite colors.  I love dark colors, but for years wouldn't wear them because I felt like my skin and hair were just too light to accommodate a dark color.  Basically, I felt like a tramp.  There I said it.  I know it's silly, but it's true.

About 5 years ago I got over that!  And now, I mostly wear darker colors.  But I like to have the option of wearing whatever I want.  In fact, I change my polish at least twice a week, fingers and toes.  I plan on doing a more detailed post on my favorite nail products, but for now, I'll leave you with a pic of my latest manicure.

The bottom color is Samoan Sand by OPI and the top is Black Shatter by OPI.

20 June 2011

Punk Rock Summer

Hey y'all!  Last week was busy and I'm sorry I never really got around to posting.  I'll leave you with this short post until I can finish up the ones from last week!  

Caroline is 8 {well 8 & 1/2 according to her} and she cracks me up with the things she comes up with.  If you remember way back to last Halloween, she and her best friends wanted to be rockstars, and I made costumes for 5 punk crazy little girls!  I thought I blogged about it, but I never did {shame on me}!  The girls, mostly Caroline wanted to dye their hair crazy colors.  Ummm, no!  so we bought a few clip in strands of lime green hair and then we also tied turquoise tulle in their messy rocker hair. They were totally rockstar fabulous if I do say so!

The costume

Hair & make-up!

The Rockstars

 Rockstar Pose

 Her serious face...cracks me up!

All that leads me to summer{now!} and 3 of the above girls have a super cool mom that took them and had semi-permanent color highlights put in their hair.  Let me tell you, the minute sweet Caroline saw those, it was non-stop begging!  She was going to be in a wedding so I told her that we couldn't do anything like that.  Needless to say, the wedding was last weekend, and she was ready to chop her hair off and beg for colors again!  I figured it was summer, so what could it hurt?  Right?

Sorry these were taken with the 'ole cell phone, so the quality stinks!

She loves, loves her new hair!

13 June 2011

Weekend Review

It was a looong weekend.  With tons of stuff going on.  Wore me out, I'm still worn out.  So this morning you get bullet points because I don't think I can form a post that completely makes sense!

*Friday night dinner with my 2 favorite people.  Then home to paint and edit pics.
*Bright & early Saturday morning we were off to the landfill...
* Going to the landfill makes me sad.  Makes me want to be a better recycle-er {and yes, I'm pretty sure that isn't a word}
*Then the tractor had to be taken apart so it could be fixed later in the day.
*Next up was a BBQ cook-off that one of hubby's friends was competing in...he got 3rd for his brisket.  It was yummy!!!
*Then back home for the hubby to work on the tractor while I went into town to get stuff for a get together with friends
*You guessed to our friends house!
*Sunday morning we went to breakfast then to the hospital to check on my daddy.  Yes, he tried to scare the tar out of us with his heart.  He's doing better, but still there.  Hopefully he'll be able to come home tomorrow.  But he'll have a long road of tests and possible procedures ahead of him.  Prayers are deeply appreciated!!!
*Then we headed home so that hubby could get ready to get on the road for work :(
*More painting and editing for me...along with yucky housework

Which brings us to today...Happy Monday peeps!  Promise I'll have more later, but I'll leave you with a Monday smile!

07 June 2011

Getting Inked

I came across the simplest tattoo I've ever seen.  Simple, to the point, feminine, stunning really.  I know many of you aren't "tat" people, but I am.  And even if you aren't, most people can still appreciate the beauty in some of them.

Then as I was perusing her tattoo related posts, I found this beauty

I happen to love tattoos.  Everything about them.  The art, the meaning, the story.  Most people have a journey that led them to get a certain tat.  Not everyone does, but I think you'll find that most people do.  My hubby however, says that his are just because he likes them.  Which is probably true for him.  But mine, oh no...mine have a specific meaning.

I have 4 tattoos.  All at very different times in my life.  All very specific times.  Each one signifies a journey.  I got my very first tat when I was 22.

For me this sun represented a new beginning...moving out of the only home I'd ever known, putting on my big girl panties and living in an apartment.  No more parental support.  I moved in with a friend, and as soon as we moved my stuff in, we headed to Galveston to celebrate!  
The sun represented the light showing me my way.  
The placement for this one is lower back {before the whole "tramp stamp" fad}.

I went years without getting another one.  Mostly because my mom made me feel guilty that I'd gotten one in the first place.  She was not a tattoo girl AT ALL.

Six years later I found myself moving 100 miles away from everything I'd ever known to make a better life for my daughter.  When I felt settled, I wanted to remember that time in my life, so I got another tattoo.

Sunflowers have always been my favorite flower, and I felt like my life was finally blossoming, so what better way to remember that than a sunflower.  And the foot placement was because I was taking each day one step at a time.

My third came a year later in memory of my mother.  She passed away in 2001.

This one didn't turn out quite the way I expected, which is my own fault.  I let a friend of a friend do this one.  I did want it to be a thick tattoo, mimicking a henna tattoo, but parts of it are too thick and running together.  And the artist went too deep, causing raised spots in the work.  The butterfly represents eternal life, it's on my right shoulder.  I wanted to have my mom always there with me.  Watching over me, "having my back", looking down on my heart.  I just wish I'd been a little pickier with the artist I chose for this one.

And the latest was 3 years ago.  And probably by far the most meaningful thing to get inked.

My precious daughter's name.  This one was a no brainer.  I wanted the script to be fun, bubbly, funky, cock-eyed and cute.  Everything that makes up my daughter's personality!  I wanted it on my wrist so I could always see it.  And of course the two simple hearts intertwined represent the two of us.

Do I plan on getting more?  You bet!  Just give me time and money.  I'd love to have tons more, to many people's dismay I'm sure, but hey, it's my body right?  What about you?  Do you have any tats and what are your stories behind them?

03 June 2011

2nd Grade

Today was Caroline's last day of 2nd grade.  I cried.  As usual.  It amazes me how fast each year goes, it just flashes by in the blink of an eye.  I swear I was just taking her to her 1st day of kindergarten.  And now she's officially a 3rd grader!

I went to have lunch with her on her last day, and then we walked to her classroom to get her stuff and head home.  I stayed for a few minutes and talked to her little friends, and her teacher, Mrs. P.  Oh...Mrs. P.  We will miss you more than you could ever know!  Caroline was super lucky, her teacher was with her for 1st & 2nd grade!  She is amazing, and I wish Caroline could have her again next year too.  She knows my little girl inside and out, and bless her heart, she loves my crazy little mess!  I had to fight back tears when I hugged Mrs. P goodbye.  At least we'll still see her next year!

After the kids got out of school, we met up with her best friends family for sno-cones...yummy!

Will my daughter ever have normal looking hair?  It's all over the place!  Poor thing, my hair looked the exact same when I was a kid!

Boog, I'm so proud of you!  You're so smart, sweet & caring, you love your friends, and your my little fireball!  I'm so happy you had such a great 2nd grade year!  Now on to 3rd...

01 June 2011

What's in my Phone You Ask?

Since I keep hearing/seeing about iphone picture posts, I thought I would bring a droid picture post to the party!  Now, this really tells you about people...what we capture with our phones.  This will be interesting to say the least!  Here goes your laugh for the day!

Food & Drinks

           Sprinkles                    Homemade Chicken & Dumplings                 More Sprinkles!
           White Chocolate Mocha                            Riesling                              George's Big 'O Bellini

These were the biggest pancakes I'd ever had!!!


 Pin-striping I did...


 Caroline's Artwork

 Custom Canvases

  My sad, sad attempts at self portraits...HA!


 My favorite!!!
 Our animals


Flat Tire                                                        Caroline's temp :(

 My NEW Car!!!
 Little froggy
                                               Slug Bugs                               My crown that broke
  On the tractor shredding the front pasture
 Silly girls!


  That's it!  My silly, random phone pics!