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20 June 2011

Punk Rock Summer

Hey y'all!  Last week was busy and I'm sorry I never really got around to posting.  I'll leave you with this short post until I can finish up the ones from last week!  

Caroline is 8 {well 8 & 1/2 according to her} and she cracks me up with the things she comes up with.  If you remember way back to last Halloween, she and her best friends wanted to be rockstars, and I made costumes for 5 punk crazy little girls!  I thought I blogged about it, but I never did {shame on me}!  The girls, mostly Caroline wanted to dye their hair crazy colors.  Ummm, no!  so we bought a few clip in strands of lime green hair and then we also tied turquoise tulle in their messy rocker hair. They were totally rockstar fabulous if I do say so!

The costume

Hair & make-up!

The Rockstars

 Rockstar Pose

 Her serious face...cracks me up!

All that leads me to summer{now!} and 3 of the above girls have a super cool mom that took them and had semi-permanent color highlights put in their hair.  Let me tell you, the minute sweet Caroline saw those, it was non-stop begging!  She was going to be in a wedding so I told her that we couldn't do anything like that.  Needless to say, the wedding was last weekend, and she was ready to chop her hair off and beg for colors again!  I figured it was summer, so what could it hurt?  Right?

Sorry these were taken with the 'ole cell phone, so the quality stinks!

She loves, loves her new hair!


Crazy Me said...

I LOVE it! Their poses were awesome to fit the costumes! Also, love the hair...I have been wanting to do that with my oldest every summer but we never get around to it!

Nicole said...

Oh wow that is SO CUTE! It looks adorable on her! I don't want Brynne to see that! For now she is content with the feather beaded in her hair.

LOVE the costumes! What a great idea! That would be a fun one for all the little girls in our neighborhood who go trick-or-treating together.