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25 June 2011

I Might be Addicted

I've realized that I have a problem...with nail polish. 

I've always loved nail polish, and I knew I had a lot of it.  What I didn't realize is that I'm apparently an OPI junkie.  There's even more polish in the clear tub in the above picture.  Good grief.  And I have several doubles of my favorite colors.  I love dark colors, but for years wouldn't wear them because I felt like my skin and hair were just too light to accommodate a dark color.  Basically, I felt like a tramp.  There I said it.  I know it's silly, but it's true.

About 5 years ago I got over that!  And now, I mostly wear darker colors.  But I like to have the option of wearing whatever I want.  In fact, I change my polish at least twice a week, fingers and toes.  I plan on doing a more detailed post on my favorite nail products, but for now, I'll leave you with a pic of my latest manicure.

The bottom color is Samoan Sand by OPI and the top is Black Shatter by OPI.

1 comment:

Crazy Me said...

Addiction may be putting it mildly! I think you have more options than most nail salons! I wish I could paint my own, I am awful at it.