Look how far it sticks out! Ha Ha!

After Christmas, Caroline and I went to visit my bestest friend in the whole world, Michelle, and her family. It was great to see everyone, but most of all it was great to see Michelle. If there was 1 thing I miss the most about not living in Dallas, it's her. So it was great to spend some time with them. And of course Caroline was super excited to see her best friends too! Michelle's little boy, Gabriel, is exactly 12 weeks older than Caroline, almost to the minute! You can imagine how much they love each other {well, not quite so much anymore now that they are getting older, but until a few years ago, they were inseparable}. She also has a little girl named Lexi, that is almost 5. Caroline and Lexi are now inseparable! Whenever we get together, they beg to stay with each other. Here are a few pictures of our day with our best friends!

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