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08 January 2009


So, I have a few questions to answer! Thanks for participating in my boredom!

1. Ok where do you see your self in 10 years? Easy you plan on having any more kiddos? ~Elyse~

Well Elyse, in 10 years I'll be 40 {oh goodness!} and have a 16 year old daughter {can we say anxiety?}! I think I might runaway! Really I see my self in much the same place. The only big changes I can foresee would be having a teenager! In answer to the 2nd half, we are trying to have another baby! Unfortunately though, we have infertility issues that we have to work with. We have attempted to get pregnant 3 times, and so far it hasn't worked. But I have faith that if God has it in His plan for us, then we will have a baby, if not, He already gave me Caroline and I am content with that!

2. So, do you guys have any pets? ~LeAnna~

I love this question! We have 4 puppy dogs, which I LOVE to death! I am a huge animal lover and would take every last one if I could!

This is Heidi {Australian Shepherd}

This is Betsy {Heidi's Daughter}

Can you tell they love each other? Awwwwww........

This is Shimmer {Caroline's Chihuahua}

And this is my baby Daisy Mae {Bloodhound}

And this is Daisy Mae 6 months look how big she has gotten!!!

3. What is your favorite food? ~Frugal Jen~

Girl, you should have been more specific! You are gonna wish you hadn't asked!

In general Mexican. Specifically Cheese Enchiladas with queso and rice....yummy!

For a snack....I'm a chips and salsa girl too! Ice Cream is mint chocolate chip! I can't live without coffee & Dr. Pepper, and as far as dessert goes, Tiramasu, Key Lime Pie, or anything Chocolate!


Elyse said...

Thanks for the answers...a 16 year old in 10 years...just start digging a hole now! JK...praying for you guys for fertility
Have a wonderful Thursday!

LeAnna said...

Oh, I LOVE puppies too! We had three until last week, we had to put one down and it has been SO hard! Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

I want Daisy Mae

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

Isn't she precious Johnna? I LOVE her!!! Steven wants her too!

Anonymous said...

I can so relate to the secondary infertility. After I had my first child (also named Caroline, coincidentally!), I remember laughing at the question of when I was going to have another. I said, smugly, "Soon, I hope. I don't want to be 35 and pregnant." I was just turning 30 at the time and had NO IDEA.

I didn't have my second child until I was almost 43 years old. Or my third child until I was 46.

I suspect now that it was God's way of strengthening me, those years of the emotional rollercoaster of infertility. I certainly need that strength now, with a tween-age middle school daughter and a rambunctious elementary-school-age son...and me old enough to be their grandma!

As my mother said this afternoon, when I wailed at her that the weather was so bad that I couldn't kick the kids outside (er, encourage them to go out for some fresh air, I mean), "Be careful what you wish for. God just might give it to you!"

I wouldn't change a thing, really.