I was feeling a little down last night after having a
really, really rough afternoon/evening with Caroline, so I thought I would post about some fun things today...after I vent about the monster { I mean sweet little angel}!

Talk about parenting wearing you down. Caroline
is a little spoiled, but not in the
she gets everything she wants kind of way. More of the
mommy does too much for her kind of way! Meaning that I always get her snacks, drinks, help her with her bath...and now that I am trying to get her to do these things on her own, I'm paying for it! We are really trying to instill responsibility in her, and she is just not liking it. Got any tips? She'll gladly do things I don't ask her to, like sweep, dust, or change the trash because she knows she'll get rewarded for those things. When it comes to doing the "chores" we have given her, it's all out war! So needless to say, last night was a rough one. One of those where you have to just take a step back, walk away from your child, and take deep breaths! Whew! And then tell yourself it'll be okay. God love her, she is such a sweet little thing most of the time, and so very thoughtful, but when it comes to doing something she doesn't...watch out! Anyhow, I'm praying for guidance and doing some research on parenting books to give me some added encouragement. Let me know if you have a good book to read.
On to the Little Tidbits portion of the post!I thought it would be fun to leave some little tidbits of things about me for you to know. Maybe you already know some of them, if not, maybe you'll learn a little more about who I am. I also thought this might be fun for the girls that will be attending the
DFW Blog Girls Night Out this Friday! So if you are going, or know some of the other girls who are, you can pass this post on to them, and if you want to play along, just do your own post, link to mine, and leave me a comment to stop by your blog and check it out!
1. I'm a daughter of Christ
2. I love coffee
3. I'm adopted
4. I LOVE dark nail polish: black, brown, blood red, deep purple
5. I have an addiction to shoes, just go
here for proof
I'm crafty, creative, and love to paint7. I'm extremely self-conscious, but very outgoing {go figure}
8. I talk non-stop and hate it!
9. I'm very eclectic, I like so many different things and styles
10. I love jeans and tee's
11. I adore James Avery and Brighton
12. My favorite wines are Rieslings
13. I have candles in every room of my house
14. Tattoo's anyone? I have 4.
15. I go to bed at 10pm during the week...how sad!
16. I get pedicures, then come home and repaint my toes, I think I paint them better
17. I have a tendency to cuss like a sailor when I get mad
18. I cry all the time, I wear my heart on my sleeve
19. I am a list maker, all the time, for everything
20. I.Hate.Traffic.
21. I have a nervous habit...which involves a small piece of cloth {
my blankie} that I carry with me.
22. I love to watch little old couples dance, it melts my heart!
23. I carry my camera in my purse, I don't want to miss anything
24. I call everyone "honey", no clue why, I just catch myself doing it
25. I love my life and wouldn't change any of it!