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10 August 2009

BIG Changes

We had a great weekend filled with tons of fun! It was the first weekend in months that Tab wasn't working and we got to spend family time together....woo hoo! Friday night we had a celebration for my father in law, Frank, who turned 62 and "retired". I say "retired" because he isn't really retiring, but he is cutting way back! Right now he works around 80-90 hours a week, and he is going to just work 40 now! Ha! He just can't not work! Does that make sense? He's a workaholic. We had a good time with all his friends!

Now Saturday was a slightly different story. It was birthday party madness! We had 2 parties to hit for some of Caroline's best buds. They were timed really close together, so we had to hustle a little! The first was her little friend Braydin, a close family friend! He had his party at Peter Piper Pizza, which is just like Chuck E Chesse. The kids had a blast! I have never seen so many kids possessed with greed for tickets! OMGoodness these kids were crazy for tickets! Caroline had sooo much fun. I have managed to avoid this place for over 3 years now, and boy was she mad at me when we left!


This is Caroline & Braydin earlier this summer
{The pic above is kida bad so you get this one too!}

This is a series of moods she quickly went through {about a 5 minute span!}

The second party was for her friend Scarlet. They were fast friends when we first moved down here, and love to get together! She had a movie party, so we ate and did presents then went to see Aliens in the Attic, which was a cute movie. Caroline really liked it which kinda shocked me! She doesn't normally like anything that mightpossiblycouldbe scary! I was even more surprised that she liked it because right before the movie, she went to the bathroom and got a little lost. Bless her heart, she didn't hear me say I would meet her by the bathroom {she went with some of the other moms} and she went back to the party room which was locked. She started bawling! When she finally saw me looking for her she would not let go of me! Then when we got home we were talking about what happened, and she reveals to me that she wasn't crying because she was lost, she was crying because the door was locked and her drink and purple balloon were locked in there! How funny is that? I asked her if she was scared that she couldn't find me, and she said no, she just wanted her stuff! Bless her sweet little heart! By that evening, she was tuckered out! Thanks friends for such an eventful day!

Asleep shortly after!

The rest of our weekend was pretty calm. We swam a little, cooked out, and visited with good friends!


Big Changes: doesn't that just sound daunting? It can be! Please keep us in your prayers as we face some big decisions and changes right around the corner. I know He has a plan for us, and I think He's showing it to us now, which is a little scary! We may have some huge changes very soon, so please pray that we find our way! I promise to share them when we have something concrete, until then I'll be a little sketchy.

We have been struggling with some things for a while, and some of them are finally becoming clear to us. Of course I've blogged about a situation that was and still is heavy on my heart here and here. And husband has had a lot on his mind. In the last few weeks a lot has changed, been thought about, and decisions made. There are more to make {decisions} and we are taking our time figuring things out.


Elyse said...

WoW..what a weekend! Definatly praying for you guys! See ya Friday night...oh and I am OH SO EXCITED!!!

Lindsey said...

FUN pics of sweet caroline! Glad you all had alot of fun! Praying for peace for all you all are going through & that His will is clear to you all! I wish I could go Friday to meet you, and our other blogger buddies, but can't make it-my BF is coming in for my baby shower, and my b-day is Thurs, so we are celebrating then. Plus, the dr. may not approve of a wild-blogger-party-HA HA!!

Nicole said...

What is it about life-changing decisions that are being made right now?? God is moving people!! I'm not sure I know one person right now who is not experiencing this, me included!!! Praying for you, and for all I know who need to hear clearly from God. May we all hear and obey!
Can't wait to see you on Friday!!! :)

Laurie said...

Party time!! What a fun weekend! I will keep you in my prayers, that God will give you and your husband wisdom during the time of big changes.