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26 August 2009

Hello? Are You Still Out There?

I have so neglected my blog this last week! That's not like me! Me not "talk"? Ha....

We have been dealing with some big changes that still may or may not happen, and to be honest, it's taking its toll on me. We were presented with an opportunity, then it changed, then it changed some more, and now, you guessed it, it has changed yet again. We're not really sure what is going to happen, but I feel like He is in control, and right now...I'm waiting to be shown what's in His plan. Say a prayer for us please? We sure do need them about now!

Anyway...I do have some fun stuff to post about! Caroline's 1st day of 1st grade was today, and boy was she in full Caroline sass! Sometimes that girl cracks me up! And I have a Thought Filled Thursday to post with lots of thoughts on all sorts of things! Be sure to check in tomorrow for that post...there are just some things that never cease to amaze me!

I would probably feel so much better if I had been on here blogging out my thoughts, fears & frustrations...if I promise to be better, will you still be out there? I won't lie, I love to hear from my bloggy friends! You share the same struggles, and have some great things to say just when a girl needs a little boost!


Tim said...

I am always here!

We will so be praying for Gods direction and will for you guys!

You should vlog those emotions you talked about in Vlogemotions today.

We would love to hear from you and have you play along in this great blog hop!

Love and Prayers,


T said...

Praying for you guys!! It's really hard, that flip flop of not knowing how and when things are going to change!

Jacki said...

I'll be praying for you guys!
Sometime we have to step away from the blogosphere and just regroup!

Shorty said...

Hang in there, my friend. I feel like you've posted about so many roller coaster-like ups and downs over the past few months. I'm hoping that things settle down and you guys. Like, today!!! : )

Wishing you all the best, my friend!

The Drama Mama said...

I'm here, friend! PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do!! If you need to talk over the phone (just because we love to talk! LOL!) me and I will send you my cell number. But, if nothing else, know that I am on my knees for your precious fam. I have been praying for specifics since we emailed back and forth a week or so ago...I will keep the prayers coming! Love you!!!

The Drama Mama said...

BTW, I never IN A MILLION YEARS would have guess that we would become good friends again...I think back to those crazy high school days when the most important thing was what you were going to wear and what boy you were interested in...boy have times changed. I LOVE blogging for reconnecting us! HUGS!

Laurie said...

I'm listening! Keeping you in my prayers!

Martha Jones said...

Sending prayers your way!