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13 August 2009

Thought Filled Thursdays

I am officially changing to Thought Filled Thursdays! It's much easier this way.

-I am super duper excited to get to see some old friends and meet new ones! Glad I had a reason to head to Dallas to meet y'all! Caroline's dad lives up there and since he has driven down here the last 3 times he's seen her I offered to take her up there! Then low and behold, Jen plans a Girl's Night! Woo Hoo! See you soon!

-I just started a new book

-Why does getting dental work done hurt so dang much? Ughhh, just thinking about it makes me cringe.

-I'm sooooo ready for cool weather. I'm a sweater, jeans & boots girl. I mean I love tees, tanks, and my flops, but gimme a break, this is icky!

-I'm out of perfume. Do I stick with my "signature" scent {that's my mom talking!} or do I go out on a limb for something different? Just so you know, I wear Sung, Ralph Lauren Blue or Marc Jacobs Daisy. So what, I have 3 "signature" scents!

-I realize more and more lately that, yes, I love to shop, but I can't stand other shoppers. I am an impulse shopper, so when I see something I like, I take about 15 seconds to think, then I buy it or leave it. These people who can browse for hours...your nuts! Sorry, not really, but I do get annoyed! It's not really your fault, just my own impatience.

-I have to have something sweet after dinner, it's sad but true. But I found these great Hershey 100 Calorie Special Dark Chocolate bars...heaven to my, lips!


Laurie said...

Hey girl, thanks for the tip on Hersheys 100 calorie special dark chocolate bars! Can't wait to pick some up!:) YUM

Nicole said...

Loved seeing you last night! You are awesome!