Men totally take for granted how easy it is to be a man, really they do. Do they:
1. Have to worry about fixing there hair?
2. Shave their arm pits and legs?
3. Put on make-up {because lets face it, we all can't go without}?
4. Matching their accessories?
5. Have the visit of the most evil thing every month?
6. Go to the bathroom sitting down {always}?
7. Paint their toenails?
8. Wear panty hose {okay, this one is slighty unfair....I can NOT remember the last time I wore hose}
9. Carry a baby 9 months then labor & birth it?
10. Wear a bra?
I'm not usually this resentful towards men. Only once a month. But as I am sitting in a meeting yesterday afternoon talking about website redesign, I reach up and rather nonchalantly go to adjust my bra {which was stabbing me in the side of my boob} when I feel it rip. Yes I said RIP!!! I seriously wanted to scream. I am sitting in a room with 3 guys, and my bra breaks....great. Now the only positive thing about this is that it didn't completely rip. You know the little piece of fabric in the middle {in the front}, well one side of that ripped away from the underwire. So at least I still am "contained".
When I get back to my office I text the hubby to tell him of my misfortune and ask him if he can get Boog so I can run to Victoria's Secret. What does he do? He calls me laughing.
Thanks honey, I needed that.
So not only am I worried that in the next hour it will totally rip and unleash me, but I have to go spend another $48 bucks on a good bra, all the while my husband is laughing at me.
Men have it so easy.
Redefining Senior Moment
6 hours ago
Haha! So was the bra that broke also a $48 "good" bra? I don't feel like going to VS now! Or seriously, how old was it?
Yes girl it was! But it was over a year old!
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