I have a new name......M-O-M-M-Y. Yes, that's right, Caroline is so proud that she is learning to read and spell things that she has resorted to spelling mommy when she wants to talk to me.
Now its not like spelling mommy is something new for her, she's been doing it since she was 3, I think she could write mommy before she could right her own name. But for some reason, she thinks its really "cool" to spell it out when she is talking to me.
This morning, as I am getting ready, she walks into my bedroom and says, "M-O-M-M-Y, can I have cereal for breakfast?" Children can be so goofy. I just started cracking up, it was just too funny to see her standing there in her jammies with her crazy morning hair spelling mommy!
Here are a few other examples of her spell-a-thon:
*When she is talking to Tab, she'll say, "hey T-A-B"
*She calls Avery, A-V-E-R-Y girl
*She tells me that the wood-burning stove is H-O-T
*When we get close to a stop sign its, "M-O-M-M-Y you need to S-T-O-P"
*And if we are going to a store it's, "are they O-P-E-N?"
Have I ever told y'all how much I love her? More than words...
January Top 12
11 hours ago
What a precious, beautiful girl. We are so sorry we missed the birthday party! Maybe we can come up sometime before Christmas for a visit, or at least stop by on the way to or back from the Dallas trek. Oh, and where are my birthday pics? Please send them to me! Love you! And also, Ruby regularly sings, "see-saw, up-and-down" now!
How stinkin' C-U-T-E is that? If only i could get mine to S-A-Y Mommy. ;)
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