I right this post with great sorrow.
You know the old saying that the 3rd times a charm?
Unfortunately not this time around. Remember the post a few weeks ago asking for your prayers? Well we went for out 3rd try to get pregnant. We have anxiously been waiting till this Wednesday to take our home test. This morning we knew there was no need. I keep telling myself that it is going to be okay, that God has a plan for our family. I know deep down somewhere that's true, but right now it just doesn't feel that way. We want this so badly, and it just hurts so much.
The worst part is that we are probably coming close to the end of the line. For those of you who don't know much about the infertility process, it is very expensive. We are reaching a point where we may not be able to continue down this path. It breaks my heart. I'm not going to go on and on about this, but I just wanted to tell those of you who have been keeping up with our tries to bring more love and joy into our family. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers
Love, Alicia
Redefining Senior Moment
6 hours ago
I have been praying...and will keep it up! You are right...His plan, His timing! Recently our pastor was doing a sermon on His plan for us and he said, He is rarely early, but NEVER late...His timing is always perfect! So even though this news is crushing, I can't wait to see what HE has up his sleeve! Love & Hugs!
Just wanted to say I'm sorry. Found your link on MckMama's blog. My sis had a child and then infertility for 10 years before they adopted a gorgeous baby almost four years ago...we know now, what we didn't know those long 10 years...God planned for Isabelle to be in our fam. Rest assured He has a plan for you! My sis is www.follyandcrisis.blogspot.com
and I am www.myfourgems.blogspot.com
if you want to stop by! :)
take care of yourself during this hard time.
I will keep praying for you, keep me posted. Hugs :)
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