is COLD! Now I know for all of you folks who don't live in the south {especially Texas} it may not seem too shocking for you. Let me tell you, it's COLD to us! 28 degrees right now to be exact.
And when I got to Baylor's campus this morning, it was snowing. It was so pretty!
And of course for any non-southerners you usually get around just fine in the winter weather...not down here! It was sleeting last night on my way home, no big deal to me, but the highway was creeping along....I really shouldn't complain though, when I lived in Dallas, there were several times that I sat on 75 {huge hwy.} for 4 hours or more trying to get home because of sleet/ice.
I hope that Caroline got some snow at school and got to see it, it is a rarity, and she loves the snow!
Redefining Senior Moment
6 hours ago
I'm SO with you on this one! I live right outside of Memphis and everyone FREAKS here when you mention snow/ice! There were wrecks and closed highways everywhere this morning and we didnt even get any precipitation, people just go crazy! It was 28 here too last I looked and like you guys suppose to be almost 70 later this week! Gotta love that southern weather, because only in the south would it snow/sleet one day and 3 days later be 70 degrees!!
I know's crazy!
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