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07 October 2008

Saturday Silliness

My parents had the whole crew over to their house on Saturday afternoon/evening for dinner. The kids all love to go to their house because they live right next to the creek, and they LOVE to go down there to throw rocks. So I followed them down to get some pictures, and buy did I ever get some good shots! To be young and free, and have so much fun again.....

Then after my dad hosed them down, we had some snacks and celebrated Tracy's birthday with gifts. We had dinner out on the patio, then it was time for the entertainment of the evening {as if the kids weren't entertainment enough right?}. Family tradition says that there MUST be a pinata at all celebratory family gatherings. My brother Ronnie takes this very seriously. He even reinforces the pinatas so that they don't break at the top. We all have to participate starting with the Honoree, then going from youngest {Caroline} to oldest {my daddy}. It is always so much fun!

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