Sunday afternoon was a day of cleaning in the Murry house. Of course Husband ran off to play trucks next door at his brothers! So I am cleaning away, when out of the blue, Caroline wants to come see what I am doing. I happened to be in our game room at the time sweeping and moping the floor.
**** Caroline goes through spurts when she is overly helpful, and others when she is very defiant and does not want to help. She always wants to help when water is involved {washing the dishes, clothes, the dogs, cleaning the get the picture}, but if its putting things away {dishes, folded laundry, groceries} good luck getting a smile out of her!****
Knowing this I should not have been the least bit surprised that she comes in to see me mopping and begging to mop too. I have already been at it for about 30 minutes { I will explain why shortly}, so I am kind of glad for her help. All in all it took us about 2 hours to mop the floor, and she did an excellent job!
****Now for the reason it took so long! Several months ago, on a Sunday afternoon, I was getting the floors swept and furniture moved so I could sweep and mop. Caroline came in to help me sweep and when we were done she wanted to help me mop. So I start filling the sink with water and mr. clean. Caroline wants to go get the mop out of the laundry room, so she goes through the game room to the door. She hates being in the dark, and always asks me to come turn on the light, and when she did, I told her I was watching her, and there was enough light for her to go get the mop. The mop is in between the washer and dryer, and when she gets the door open, she couldn't see so I told her to just walk over there and get it. She wouldn't so I then told her to reach up and turn on the light. I have never seen her eyes get so big!!! At about the same time, we both see the importance of tuning on the lights. Had she not turned them on, she would have walked smack dab across the top of a snake. Yes that's right, I said SNAKE!!!!! Caroline started shaking screamed SNAKE, and literally ran up my body till she was clinging to my head! Poor Caroline, she looked at me after I got her {and myself} calmed down, and with teary eyes told me," see mommy, that's why you should turn on the lights for me."****
Needless to say, I neglected mopping for a few months...I know, that's gross, but I'm a big chicken...sue me!
Redefining Senior Moment
6 hours ago
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