Today is the day that Caroline will have her first school pictures taken. I am a nervous wreck, praying that she will:
a. Not get dirty
b. Leave her bow in her hair
c. Smile her real smile
d. Not make funny faces
You have to understand, I love pictures. My family loves pictures. And most of all, I am an extremely sentimental person. I save really stupid things that only make sense to me. So I'm sorry, I can't help it....I want her 1st school pictures to be good. You may think that makes me a crazy mommy, oh well. I have my moments {we all do, just not everyone fesses up to them!}.
So of course as I am getting her ready this morning, there is always!
Me: Boog, finish your cereal so I can do your hair.
Caroline: {Crying} Awwww......I don't want you to do my hair.
Me: I'm doing your hair, you have pictures today, and you can't have crazy hair.
Caroline: {big smile} Can I have straight piggies {pig tails}
Me: No, you are not having piggies for pictures.
Caroline: Awwwwwwwwwwww, but mom!
Me: Oh, and you have to wear a bow.
Caroline: {whining} oh, great.
She knows this means I mean business! So then of course as she gets on the bus, I remind her to leave her bow in her hair. She is ornery, so, she turns to me and smiles. That can't be a good sign. I should have named her sassy.
Redefining Senior Moment
7 hours ago
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