Strange title....I know. I have about 1000 thoughts racing through there, so it made me anyway.
I need to clear my head, so I thought, "I'll just post my thoughts!". Now this can be a scary thing, but if I put these things on paper {blog...same thing :)}, then hopefully they will leave me alone!
I so LOVE this time of year {fall...ha! like TX has a real fall}, but I live for the cooler weather, the fun things to do, and of course all the different holidays. So I am quite lively as of late!
*I just got done making Caroline's Halloween costume, which, is precious! She wanted to be a witch {even though she was one last year}, so I said okay. But then she changed on me! She wants to be a pumpkin. Huh??? Not what I was expecting, but sure. So I start looking at costumes online. What a joke. Have you ever seen a really cute pumpkin costume for a 5 year old? Nope, me either. I started thinking.....HELLO are the crafty queen, just make it silly! So I did! And it is just adorable! I will post pictures of it soon. And yes, I know its tacky to boast, but I'm quite proud of the way it turned out!
*I am SOOO ready to start renovating our house! Like I said I love this time of year, but its almost a drag for me to decorate our house. My wonderful father-in-law built our house in 1983. Our house is great...nice big rooms, HUGE kitchen, great bathrooms. We have a stone house, and it is great! We have this awesome stone mantel thing with an old wood burning stove in our living room, and my bathroom has a stone wall that is where the garden tub sits with a stone ledge behind it. I love it. Really I do. But every other wall in my house is wood paneling, which if you will remember was very 80's chic. Not anymore. I feel like I live in a cave. What makes it worse is every cabinet, and floor is also some shade of brown, so everything just fades into each other. And wouldn't you know, our kitchen furniture is brown too! We have decided to remodel. Or I guess mostly just redo our walls. And knock one wall out and move the stove. I'm ready NOW...but I can't do that and try to have a baby.
*Baby. I want a baby. We have been trying, and so far no luck{obviously}. I am about 2 weeks away from my "trying" time frame. We haven't decided if we are going to try this month. We better make up our minds soon. This may sound very odd to some people. We have infertility issues. Basically, we don't get to try for a baby, the doctor does! We just show up on the magic day!
*I am making a new purse. I started it last night. I really want to be at home working on it.
*I need to cut my coupons and finish making my grocery list.
*I have got to plan Caroline's 6th birthday party, it is slowly creeping up. So much to do.
*I miss my mommy. I get a little sad this time of year too. Mom has been gone for almost 7 years now. I get very sentimental about it, and some times down right depressed.
*I need to get 2 birthday gifts for parties Caroline is invited to.
*Caroline wants me to make her a new purse too.
That's most of the things taking up the biggest amount of my brain. There are tone more floating around in there, just not quite as prominent! Like I'm wondering if my parents are having a good time...but I know they are so it is just a fleeting thought every few days!
Redefining Senior Moment
6 hours ago
1 comment:
Girl! I'm sorry...I SO know the feeling and I think it is better to get it out (blog being the perfect place)!! I will pray for all the worries/things you have in that brain of yours! HUGS!
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