I have had lots of questions, comments and calls on whether or not I have any "feelings" or "instincts" on my ever closer pregnancy test. I can't even to begin to make a call on this one. I have felt a little crampy on 2 different days, and that could be Implantation cramping, or it could be just the sad announcement of the ole' aunt flo making her stop.
My best friend, God love her, has called me every few days to ask if I feel pregnant yet! I so wish I could say that I did! Michelle, keep praying honey!
So this is day 10 since we had the procedure done, and implantation of the egg normally takes place between 8-12 days, so hopefully it has found a little comfy spot in there to get all cozy for the next 9 months!
Keep Praying!
Redefining Senior Moment
15 hours ago
Praying for you!!
Thanks honey!!!
Yes, I would be happy to help you with your layout! What happened to your sidebar? I have learned that some times blogger just does some crazy things! Email me and let me know what you want done and I will try to help! Hugs!
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