Well, this weekend was a big weekend for us! Some of you know that my hubby & I are trying to have a baby. We unfortunately have infertility issues and this makes it a tad bit difficult to say the least. We have already "tried" once in June and were unsuccessful, so we have been patiently waiting until we could try again.
For those of you who don't know how the whole process works, I will give a brief explanation! Basically on the 1st day of the evil flow, I start counting. On day 10 I get the joy of peeing on a stick every day until I have my "surge". When a follicle has adequately matured, a surge of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) causes the follicle to burst and release the egg into the fallopian tube. Once I get my surge, I call the doc, and have to go in the next morning for my procedure. We have a very small window of opportunity, so it gets a little stressful. Once you have your surge, you basically have 48 hours to get the deed done before your eggs die off. So once I get close to when I know I usually ovulate (day 14 or 15), I get to pee on the little sticks 2-3 times a day! Caroline thinks this is great fun, and wants to be the one to watch and tell me if I get to have a baby. And yes, she knows that it only means I can "try" to have one.
So...during some shopping on Saturday, she & I are tooting along in Target about noonish, and I need to go to the bathroom. So we run into the bathroom to pee on the stick. She excitedly announces that I got a smiley face and its time to try for "her" baby sister. Can you tell she is excited? My 1st thought is 'Yipee'.....quickly followed by.....'crud, its the weekend'! Now that doesn't mean I can't have it done, its just a little more complicated and nerve racking. So we quickly finish our shopping and rush home to call the on-call doc to get this set-up. After about 2 hours of frustrating phone calls, we finally get the whole thing down. I have to be there at 9am on Sunday morning.
Great. Not really.....it has just dawned on me that Caroline and my nephew are playing in her room because he is spending the night while his parents are at a football game. Now I have to figure out what to do with the 2 of them in the morning. So when my sister in law calls to check on him later, I fill her in....she has been through this too, so she is super understanding about it! She will pick the kids up around 8 so we can make the almost hour drive. Which is so wonderful because Caroline was really looking forward to going to church, and we weren't going to be able to go, but Analisa is the only other person in the family that goes to church, so Caroline still got to go!
The IUI went very well, and I am really feeling good about it this time! Please pray that it is God's will to bring a new addition to our family. We are very excited about getting the opportunity to EVEN TRY to have a baby with the expense of infertility doctors and procedures. But I pray constantly that God will bless us with a new life to love and cherish. Please keep us in your prayers....we have 2 EXCRUTIATING weeks to wait until we know! UGHHHHH........I hate waiting!
Redefining Senior Moment
15 hours ago
Praying for peace while you wait...and a little surprise in two weeks!
Awww, Bunny! You and Tab and Caroline are definitely in my prayers. I hope so much that your family can go through this experience and come out on top together!
I love you!
Yay! Girl you know Ruby and I will be radiating vibes your way- how amazing it would be.... good luck, honey, and stay relaxed during this time of waiting! I'm so happy for you, and really miss you lots and hope to see you all soon. lovelovelove
HOORAY...I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! You better keep me updated on how things are going!
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