30 September 2008
Princesses Everywhere
25 September 2008
Networking, databases & C++.........Huh?
I work for a large University, in the School of Engineering & Computer Science. I work with the world's biggest geeks. And I can say that, they know its true and they don't mind. Just so you know....95% of the time I have NO clue what they are talking about! I am surrounded by geeks with Ph.D.'s for goodness sake!
Anyhow, they are actually quite entertaining. They keep me laughing most days. And they think they are super funny too. So I thought I would share a conversation I just had with one of my professors. It went something like this:
Prof: It was so crazy this morning on my way to work.
Me: Really?
Prof: Yea, there was this huge group of rabbits hopping along on the side of 35.
Me: I know, they are every where
Prof: But they were hoping backwards?
Me: What? Why would they do that?
Prof: They were a receding hairline.
I seriously wanted to throw something at him. Now, I know what some of you are thinking, and yes I am a blonde {and yes, it IS real}, but he delivers these silly jokes so well. And his poor students get them all the time. And just so you know, there are rabbits everywhere down here, so its not like it would be unusual to see a lot of them.
Just thought you might enjoy a tiny glimpse of what I deal with everyday....absolutely hilarious!
Wii be playing!
Not much to say, but I was super excited to get a Wii and wanted to share!
24 September 2008
50th Post!
1. God
2. My Family {Caroline, Tab, Daddy, ML, Amy, Olivia, Juanita, Ron, Analisa, Blake, Tracy, Don, Dillon, Jeremy, Frank, Louise, Ryan, Amy & Avery & all of my extended puppy family!}
3. My Friends
4. Venti Decaf White Chocolate Mochas
5. Dark Chocolate
6. Bags/Purses
7. Shoes
8. Painting
9. Cooking
10. Wine
11. Country Music
12. Playing Cards
13. My James Avery Charm Bracelet
14. Reading
15. Bonfires
16. Fishing
17. Cookouts
18. Gilmore Girls
19. Gap Long & Lean Jeans
20. El Fenix {I so miss this place}
21. Dr. Pepper
22. Pictures
23. Christmas
24. Boots
25. Sweaters
26. Freshly cut grass
27. The color Pink
28. My Down Comforter
29. My House
30. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
31. Having my windows open {weather permitting}
32. Living in the Country
33. Bringing a smile to someone's face
34. Flip Flops
35. Personalized Stationary
36. Real Simple {magazine}
37. Old Churches
38. Cruises
39. Seeing Caroline 1st thing in the morning
40. Getting my nails done
41. Antiques
42. Tiramasu
43. My Blanket
44. Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies
45. My Wedding Ring
46. Hobby Lobby
47. Pei Wei
48. Traditions
49. Lazy Days
50. Blogging
Poop Tent
But then what made it even funnier was that I thought about my dad buying this for his dog Phoebe. He babies her so much, that I could just hear him saying that she needed this to keep dry. There are days that I wonder if he loves her more than me ;)......sorry dad! Oh daddy, I love you!
23 September 2008
Does Anyone Even Read This?
Now I am not so self involved that I need comments {okay...maybe just a little :)} but I never know if anyone is reading. Now keep in mind that even if no one reads this, it is a memoir from me to Caroline. Something that she can look at and know how much I love her and how quirky her mommy really is, and remember all the good things about her family and friends!
If you do read, if you don't mind, just leave me a little comment every now and then. You can even do it anonymously, I'm not that picky! This is not something you have to be a member of.
That's it, show me a little love & support from time to time!
22 September 2008
A Little About Me...Just for Fun!
Someone just sent me an email "about me" survey thingy, so I figured I would just answer it here! Here goes.....
1. When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside? That's a good question....I'm not really sure.
2. When was the last time you saw one of your parents? Yesterday - saw both of them
3. Which family member do you most resemble? Caroline {I'm not sure who else I might look like...I'm adopted}
4. Do you wear cologne/perfume? Yes - I wear VS Pink and Kenneth Cole Reaction
5. Do you wear deodorant? Uhhh...yes! Secret shower fresh.
6. Do you 'clean up nice'? I think so.
7. When was the last time you tripped and fell? Well, I always bump into the walls at home, but I haven't fallen yet!
8. Where was the last place you slept besides your home? Hotel in Canada
9. What are you listening to right now? People talking
10. Have you ever started an uncontrollable fire? Not that I know of.
11. Ever run out of gas on the road? Nope...almost did once in high school, but I did lock my keys in the car with it running {also in high school}
12. Would you rather cut the grass or rake the leaves? Cut the grass - although my wonderful husband does both so I don't have to worry about it, he says I do it wrong and won't let me on the lawn mower anymore
13. Your name spelled backwards. aicila
14. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Pictures
15. Last time you swam in a pool. Sometime close to the 4th of July
16. Have you ever been in a school play? Absolutely, I've been in several. Bye Bye Birdie, The Wiz, Some Like it Hot
17. How many kids do you want? 2 - hopefully soon!
18. Type of music you dislike most? I don't really care for HARD rock music, and vulgar rap music
19. Are you registered to vote? yes
20. Do you have cable? DirecTV
21. Ever prank call anybody? Yes
22. Best friends? Michelle, Sarah, Lisa
23. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Doubtful
24. Do you have a garden? No - but I wish that I did
25. What's your favorite comic strip? the "Love is.." ones
26. Bath or Shower, morning or night? bath, morning & night {I don't like being dirty}
27. Best movie you've seen in the past month? Made of Honor
28. Favorite pizza topping? Cheese & Onion
29. Chips or popcorn? Chips!!!
30. What color lipstick do you usually wear? None....just gloss or chapstick
31. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Uh.....No, that's just odd
32. Orange Juice or apple? orange
33. Favorite type of chocolate bar? Dove Dark Chocolate
34. When was the last time you voted at the polls? School Bond Elections. Not too long ago
35. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? I don't eat tomatoes...yucky!
36. Are you a good cook? Yep, I love to cook!
37. Ever order anything from an infomercial? No
38. Sprite or 7-up? Sprite
39. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Nope
40. Ever thrown up in public? Yes...in the fifth grade while visiting my sister in college...so embarrasing
41. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? true love
42. Do you believe in love at first sight? Kind of, but I think its more attraction than anything
43. Can ex's be friends? Not in my experience...nothing good ever comes of it
44. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? I guess Michelle when she had Gracie
Hot Rods & Racing...oh and a Bike
The first set is of the race car....a Suzuki Samurai
And I know it looks really strange, but its really fast, and they love it so I just go with it!

Now the next pictures are of the hot rod truck they are building. Now I don't understand a lot about this one, I just know its supposed to be in a class called Rat Rods. Which from what I have seen really just looks like a bunch of falling apart junked out hot rod type cars/trucks. But I can tell you it takes a lot of work and money to look this ugly....sorry honey!

And my hubby also is an avid motorcycle rider. He's been riding since he was about 12. And has had so many I can't keep up with them! He has a Harley he has been modifying for the last several years, so I figured I would show it too...since he works on it!

Seriously...It's Monday?
We have the pleasure {and I'm not being sarcastic...we love it!} of living next door {across 10 acres} to my brother in law and his brood. Which is great because his girlfriend {hopefully fiancee before long} has a little girl {Avery} which is Caroline's BFF. So they play all the time and spend the night, so its great because we can always count on each other for watching the girls, or picking them up from school....so great!
To the point. Tab, his brother, and their father love cars. And racing. And buying cars/trucks and fixing them up, or making race cars/hot rods out of them. So they have been working on several on-going fix-er up projects for the last month or so with no end in sight! They work on them every night...EVERY night! Which really doesn't bother me, I'm just trying to make a point of how much they get into this stuff!
Friday, Caroline went home with Avery, and I stopped at the store to get some dinner fixins. Its the weekend, so why not all get together and eat? Amy brought the girls over after they finished their art project {which was super cute by the way...they painted pumpkins} and they helped me make cookies to decorate after dinner. I made beef fajitas, which were so yummy, and we had a nice family dinner with my husbands family.
After dinner we all got into the spirit of Halloween fun by decorating cookies! We all had a really good time trying to make the best looking cookies...it was so funny!
Below you can see some of the fun...just ignore my messy kitchen....remember I was cooking and making cookies!

19 September 2008
PTA or Bust!
I am now the Proud Committee Chair of The Academic Excellence Committee! WHOA! How did I manage that?
Now before I begin to get really whiney....it really isn't that hard. Just fill out some certificates for awards for every six & nine week report cards, AND get local businesses to donate gift cards! HA!!!!
I might be able to do the cutesy certificates, but get people to donate?!?!? I'm not so sure about that part. But in my defense, I told the PTA president that I would give it my best shot. And I really will.....I think!
Surely I can do this! If not, I am afraid I will end up kicked out of the PTA {I don't really think they'd kick me out....I hope!}
18 September 2008
Crazy, Hazy Days
I'm sure I sound like a bad mom....I'm not {really}! In fact, those of you who know me, know how much I love dance. I took dance for 16 years, and it was always my dream for my daughter to take dance. I guess I just never thought about it from a parents point of view! My poor, poor mom! All the hours of driving me to dance and the $$$$ they spent!!!!! GOD BLESS my parents! I now know their pain! Now granted, it was all worth it to see her dance her little heart out on stage! She LOVED it! But, I feel so drained sometimes!
17 September 2008
Divine Caroline - Site contest!!!
Please go see her site and then vote for her!
P.S. She may kill me, but she's a great Blog Designer too!
15 September 2008
Keep on Trucking!
We are not going to quit the infertility process, and plan to try again in a few months! Hopefully, we will be able to have a baby, but if not, then we are going to pursue other options.
I had a great talk with my best friend on Sunday morning, and we were just reaffirming that this was not the end, that God knows what he has in store for us! A lot of people can't believe that I'm not devastated, because so many people are when they can't conceive. I was telling Michelle that I hear so many women just heartbroken....and I just don't think they believe in Him! If they did, it seems to me that they would have faith that God does have a plan for all of us, and that He never gives us anything we can't handle!
PLEASE do not think that I am not sad, I just have my faith! And whether or not we have a baby, God gave me Caroline, and I will always feel so blessed!!!!!
Much Love~
09 September 2008
To be or not to be?
My best friend, God love her, has called me every few days to ask if I feel pregnant yet! I so wish I could say that I did! Michelle, keep praying honey!
So this is day 10 since we had the procedure done, and implantation of the egg normally takes place between 8-12 days, so hopefully it has found a little comfy spot in there to get all cozy for the next 9 months!
Keep Praying!
I Just Can't Help Myself
Caroline was a little slow getting it together this morning, and she went to bed at 8:30, like normal....with no complaints! But she was a bear this morning to get going. Breakfast was ready when I got her up, cartoons were on, and her clothes were laid out. This should have been easy. Then right around 7am her dad calls to chit chat with her, which is great, because normally she won't talk on the phone unless its a friend. The only bad part was that it slowed her down even more.
I kept reminding her to get dressed that the bus would be here in 10 minutes. Nope, she didn't make it. As I tell her for the third time to hurry, she yells that the bus is here and I need to run. What? I'm not running anywhere! I grab the rest of our stuff and head out the door. The bus is gone.
Now for me this is no big deal, I can take her to school, she just likes the bus. You would have thought it was the end of the world through her eyes! She started crying and then told me that it was all my fault because I had to go get a Dr. Pepper! Ha! I just didn't respond to that, and got her in the car and on our way. By the time we got to school...less than 10 minutes later, she was fine...until she remembered that she had to go to the dentist. She hates the dentist! So do I. I sent the blessed grandparents on that mission with her this morning, I'm not going! Am I a bad mommy? I hope that doesn't make me one, I just can't stand to see her cry, and I can't console her when we are at the dentist. I thought maybe my parents would have better luck than me! We'll see what they have to say!
Much Love~
05 September 2008
Bare with me!
Much Love~
03 September 2008
New Blog for Carolina Sunshine Designs
Please pass this on to all your friends who have children, since the majority of my work is geared around the little ones!
Much Love~
02 September 2008
Baby Maybe?
For those of you who don't know how the whole process works, I will give a brief explanation! Basically on the 1st day of the evil flow, I start counting. On day 10 I get the joy of peeing on a stick every day until I have my "surge". When a follicle has adequately matured, a surge of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) causes the follicle to burst and release the egg into the fallopian tube. Once I get my surge, I call the doc, and have to go in the next morning for my procedure. We have a very small window of opportunity, so it gets a little stressful. Once you have your surge, you basically have 48 hours to get the deed done before your eggs die off. So once I get close to when I know I usually ovulate (day 14 or 15), I get to pee on the little sticks 2-3 times a day! Caroline thinks this is great fun, and wants to be the one to watch and tell me if I get to have a baby. And yes, she knows that it only means I can "try" to have one.
So...during some shopping on Saturday, she & I are tooting along in Target about noonish, and I need to go to the bathroom. So we run into the bathroom to pee on the stick. She excitedly announces that I got a smiley face and its time to try for "her" baby sister. Can you tell she is excited? My 1st thought is 'Yipee'.....quickly followed by.....'crud, its the weekend'! Now that doesn't mean I can't have it done, its just a little more complicated and nerve racking. So we quickly finish our shopping and rush home to call the on-call doc to get this set-up. After about 2 hours of frustrating phone calls, we finally get the whole thing down. I have to be there at 9am on Sunday morning.
Great. Not really.....it has just dawned on me that Caroline and my nephew are playing in her room because he is spending the night while his parents are at a football game. Now I have to figure out what to do with the 2 of them in the morning. So when my sister in law calls to check on him later, I fill her in....she has been through this too, so she is super understanding about it! She will pick the kids up around 8 so we can make the almost hour drive. Which is so wonderful because Caroline was really looking forward to going to church, and we weren't going to be able to go, but Analisa is the only other person in the family that goes to church, so Caroline still got to go!
The IUI went very well, and I am really feeling good about it this time! Please pray that it is God's will to bring a new addition to our family. We are very excited about getting the opportunity to EVEN TRY to have a baby with the expense of infertility doctors and procedures. But I pray constantly that God will bless us with a new life to love and cherish. Please keep us in your prayers....we have 2 EXCRUTIATING weeks to wait until we know! UGHHHHH........I hate waiting!