There is nothing "happy" about so called Happy Fat. You know the stuff....the weight you gain when everything in your world seems great? Well, since I met Tab 2 1/2 years ago, and married him 1 1/2 years ago...I have gained a whopping 20 lbs. Yes, that's right I said 20lbs. Pathetic!
Now I am on a mission to get this weight off. I was so proud after I had Caroline of how much better I looked. For those of you who don't know....I was the lucky pregnant woman who actually LOST weight during my pregnancy. Before I found out I was preggers, I weighed in at (I can't believe I'm telling this) 183lbs. So sad! God blessed me with "thunder thighs" and a "ghetto booty". When I delivered Caroline I weighed 182 lbs. yes, you can hate me, I would hate you!
So I left the hospital weighing 145 lbs. I didn't even weigh that in high school!!!
I kept it all off until Tab...stinking happiness! So now, I want to feel good again. It's really not about being skinny as much as it is about feeling better. If you have any tips or ideas to help me along, that would be great! I have been walking every night after work so that I am getting some kind of exercise, but I know I need to do more! Help Me Please!
Much Love~
Redefining Senior Moment
15 hours ago
Wow, how did I miss all these new posts? Crazy!
Well, I wish I had some great tips for you, but I don't...other than the old fashion eat less (which I SO need to do!) and exercise (which I always have an excuse on why I can't!). But, I'm rootin (and praying!) for ya, girl! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
Hey darlin'. I hear ya! I'm bigger and more out of shape now than I've ever been in my life, and I can't stand it anymore. I'm also trying to turn things around, and the best tip anyone can give you is to change your eating habits and exercise regularly. That is the only thing people need, and should do to lose weight! It is not easy by any mean, but it can be done, and you're just bull-headed enough to do it! Hahahaha ha.
I've been updating my blog, too, so have a look. It's still not completely current, but getting there! Love you.
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