I know all parents have frustrating mornings with their kids, but I'm telling you, my child makes it her goal to make me want to scream. Each morning its something new. This morning we had several battles. First up, she wants to go potty in my bathroom, not hers. Not that this is necessarily a big deal, but I am in the tub, with the door locked. Otherwise, she would be trying to take a bath with me because she loves bath time. So I tell her no, she needs to use her own bathroom. She screams through the door that if she can't use mine, then I am going to cause her to potty on herself. Are you kidding me? I tell in her the most calm voice that I can muster, that if she even dares to do that, that she will not have ANY privileges for the day, and that she will get a pop, and corner time. This child is so stubborn. After we finally get this situation resolved, and there were no accidents, we get ready.
Now normally the first thing out of her mouth when she gets out of bed is ,"I'm hungry". So she usually eats pronto. She didn't want anything this morning. Odd, but okay. So I give her my usual 5 minutes till we leave warning, and she comes in wanting breakfast! We have been having discussions recently about how she has to ask for things way before we leave, or we won't have time to eat, make a drink, or get whatever comfort item of the day that she may want. So again, I use my calm voice and tell her that she can have apples and bananas in the car. "NO!", she tells me, she wants cereal in a bowl with milk. I try to explain for the 50th time that she has to tell me in plenty of time to eat it instead of 5 minutes before we leave, that we don't have enough time for her to sit down and have a bowl of cereal. She is completely irate. No calming her down. I finally just tell her that if she wants to act like this, then she can just go without breakfast. She changes her tune and says fine, she'll just eat her cereal in a baggie with no milk.
I'm telling you I was so frustrated. We head out the door and she then starts in about wanting to play with a friend after school. I'm already thinking, "crap! I don't want to fight about this too". So I tell her if she is invited, she can play. But of course, I should have read her mind and known that she had already been invited the previous day to play with said friend. Silly me. I told her to have her mommy call me today at work and I could make sure, that made her mad. Somehow, she eventually stopped talking about it, and we continue on to school. When we get there, I can not get her to let go of me. Now if any of you know my child, yes she loves me very much and is mommy's girl, but she doesn't cry when I leave her or beg me to stay. Today she does.
I know my child, and although she can be very pig headed, I know she must not be feeling well. I'll have to wait and see what the day brings to my little ball of fire. She is not herself. Please don't be sick!
Special Spring Pieces
1 hour ago
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