fIt's been a busy few weeks so, I have gotten behind! Two weeks ago, Caroline and her cousins had a church music camp, and then they got to do their little musical in church on Sunday morning. Let me tell you, God was moving in Caroline! At least that's the way I prefer to think of her dancing all over the place! Anyhow, you fellow moms know that you get a little embarrassed when your child is acting up, especially when the other moms start looking at you like you can't control your kid! So as I'm sitting in church, and getting glared at by the other moms, I am trying to let Caroline know that I am not pleased. She could care less! She is up there just singing and dancing her little heart out! So the sweet victory for me was after church was over, there were several of the elderly women who came to tell me how much they enjoyed her enthusiasm! Can you believe that?!?!? Ha Ha other mommies, they liked my crazy kid better.....that's what they get for glaring at me! Here are a few of the pics...they are pretty dark, the lighting in church isn't so great!

Cousins: Dillon & Blake
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