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09 December 2008

Christmas Dress, O Christmas Dress

Okay fellow moms. You may not want to admit it, but I will. We love the pretty Christmas dresses for our daughters. There, I said it.

What I don't love is the price tags that go with those pretty dresses {which, I'm sure you will all agree}. Don't get me wrong, Caroline has had her fair share of them, 5 to be exact. But not this year. I just can't do it. Call me cheap frugal, but I refuse to buy a dress this year.

But I did make one!

Now, its not beautiful and fancy, but it's cute, and Caroline loves it, and that's all that really matters! Plus she thinks its really cool that I can make her stuff...she may not be that way in a few years, so I'll take it while I can get it!

Now, keep in mind that she will be wearing a white collared blouse under the dress. Also, she really has a thing for long dresses {I hope that sticks!}, so it is very long.



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Anonymous said...
