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09 June 2009

As Requested by Caroline

Caroline thinks its really neat that I have a blog for friends to keep up with us. She thinks that Michelle lets her kids see it all the time {don't worry girl, she has no clue you never even look at this thing!} and that her best buds know what she is up to! So occasionally she'll ask me if I put {blank} on my blog? Ummm....maybe?

So the other day she saw me putting up pictures of her graduation, and wanted to know why I didn't post pictures of the gift we made for her teacher? I had no answer. I couldn't exactly tell her that not everyone wants to know about every little thing we do.

In fear that she will have her oh-so-sensitive-as-of-late feelings hurt, I am going to post pictures of the book we made for Caroline's sweet teacher. Yes, I have pictures because it was either take pictures of the book, or I had to make 2 so that she would have one too!

We thought it was a cute idea, and a great way to commemorate her 1st year of school! I just asked her a bunch of questions, and she answered her own words!


Elyse said...

VERY COOL! Caroline did a great job with the questions!

myfourgems said...

Precious! I am sure her teacher was so touched by the time and thoughtfulness you put into that!

I made a photobook from Shutterfly for my sarah's kindergarten teacher, it was a gift from the whole class and had a page for each kid for their comment on what they loved about her and their favorite part of k, and at the end i included notes from all the parents, teacher loved it! Shutterfly does a great photobook, very easy to put together and pretty inexpensive. (and you can get a copy to keep for yourself like we did!)