Really. I sit here as I type this with tears in my eyes. Tears of love over my daughter. Tears of fear for this stinking ITP she is battling.
When she got home today, I did my customary body check for petechiea, something I never imagined I would be accustomed to doing. As I looked over her little body, I saw the spots, and my heart sank. In my mind, I was screaming, "No, not again!".
I am full of fear.
This can only mean her count has dropped more since her counts were done yesterday. I just want her to be healed. I knew going into this that it could be a long battle. It could be a one-time occurence, or this could be a chronic disease that she fights. I hate not having the answers.
I want this to go away and be a distant memory. Will it? Right now it doesn't feel that way.
I think about all the things that can happen. If she falls, if she gets a bad cut, what will happen? I know sitting and worrying over this is not helping, but I can't seem to stop. I just feel so helpless. No mother ever wants to hear their sweet, precious little 6 year old say that they are used to getting their blood taken. That's what she says now. She wanted to know if we would have to go tomorrow now since she has developed petechiea...and I don't have the answer. That hurts, deeply. When those eyes look up at me, I want to be able to give her all the answers she desires.
I also want my mom. Not to say that I don't have a great family support system, and a wonderful step-mom, but sometimes, you just want your mom, and I do. I just keep thinking about something she told me long ago...Pray without ceasing. So that's what I'm doing, praying without ceasing.
And so everyone can think I'm completely crazy, I know my mom is with us.
Of course, with my faith, I know she is in heaven. But, I also believe her spirit is here with us. There are things that have happened that can only lead to her being here. Some nights I go to kiss Caroline's sweet head after she is asleep, and I can smell my mom on her cheek. Her perfume. Her signature scent, that I might add, I've never known anyone to wear, but my mom. And it comforts me to know that she is here, that she loves Caroline from afar, and that looks over her. If that makes me crazy, fine by me.
I also find comfort in one of my most favorite scriptures. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13
No, I can't heal her, but I can find strength in Christ during these painful times. And that's what I need. I can have comfort in my faith, comfort that He can heal her.
I plan on getting up in the morning, and doing our usual routine. I plan on calling the school and telling them to restrict her activity, and that breaks my heart. She loves her school and playing with her friends. And then, I'm going to wait patiently {ha} until 9am when her doctor's office opens, call and see what we do next. Do we still wait until Friday to check her counts, or do we need to come in today? Then what?
For now, I am going to kiss my sweet baby girl goodnight. Of course, she's been alseep since 8:30, but I can't seem to find some peace so that I can sleep. I'm just going to pray myself to sleep...after I read a little Twilight.
Keep us in your prayers or thoughts please? I do have great comfort in knowing that I have friends to stand with me.
Redefining Senior Moment
4 hours ago
Praying you guys...constantly!
DONE. I will keep praying too! Keep us posted when you can. Love you, girl!
You are certainly in our thoughts and prayers. I pray for your continued strength and faith, for Caroline's healing and her continued strength and patience, and for you guys to somehow learn to live with the ambiguity that you're facing right now.
I believe as you do, that your mother is with you. I felt a chill as you described smelling her perfume on your daughter's cheek, as I truly feel that our loved ones watch over us and stay with us in our times of need. What a blessing! And, no I don't think that make us crazy to believe that way...I feel it is a gift from God. Why wouldn't He want the souls of our loved ones to carry on spiritual work? I think we all have jobs in Heaven, and perhaps comforting our family and friends through the use of spirit is one of them.
I wish you all the best, and hope you hear some positive news very soon.
Before I say anything else.."Twilight"! YEY! Someone else in the blog world who loves it! :)
Second, I know what you mean when you say you want your mom. Whenever things get tough around here, one of the first things out of my mouth is, I need Mom. My mom is still around, so I can't understand wanting her and not having her close by. But you are right about YOUR mom, I know she is watching over you. And Caroline.
I love you.
I will be praying. Just read your blog or the first time tonight and caught up on your story. Would love for you to stop by and visit me and meet our little miracle, Baby Jack.
Oh, Alicia. I am just now catching up with Caroline's story of her ITP.
I am just sitting here in tears, especially after this latest post. I have lost my mom (and dad), too, and I know exactly how you feel about just wanting her here. Moms have a way of making everything better. They are our rocks. So strong, so solid. I believe that she is with you, just as my mom is with me. And more importantly, God is with you. He is watching over Caroline, guiding her path, and He is not surprised by any of this. He is in control and He is good. Even in the midst of our pain, He is with us and will carry us.
I will begin to pray for Caroline (and you!) on a daily basis. I am so sorry for your pain and can't imagine your worry.
God Bless You!!!!!!!!
I hate to see any mother hurting! I didn't know you were going through this! My prayers are with you! "I cry out...Your beloved needs You."
Try to keep you spirits up. God is in control and has a bigger plan for you and your Caroline.
We will continue to keep her in our prayers. I alos post a Prayer Request to The Fort Thompson Prayer Soldiers on my blog. I hope you dont mind. I had to use some of your post to help explain the ITP to my readers.
Love and Prayers,
I am praying for your little girl! My step-son was in the hospital with itp when he was 3. Brusing all over his little body. But with treatment and transfusions he got better and hasn't had any problems since. I pray for a recovery for your family.===Renee
I am praying for complete healing of Caroline and continued strength for you.
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