Happy, Happy Birthday Honey!
The BIG 3-0You my dear, are so special, in
so many ways. I think I could write a book about you, in fact, I'm pretty sure I could.
Let's take this back to 1995. Two words...Clay's House. I can still remember where I was sitting {at the breakfast bar} when Clay told me he liked you! I was so mad at him. I could
not stand the thought of you hanging out with us! Then low and behold, we became inseparable.
Oh girl, the things we have been through. Boys, moving, buying houses, marriage, kids, death, hurt, and complete joy.
Michelle, Gracie, Gabriel, Me, Lexi & Caroline

Where would I be without you?
Lost. You are the epitamy of the best friend, the all-american girl, a great wife, amazing christian, and loving mommy. I have so much love and admiration for you.
I think back to certain things we've experienced together and laugh, sometimes cry, but always think about how lucky I have always been to have you in my life.
Here are some of my favorite memories:
-the races
-rolling the ridge with your t-tops off
-standing by your side as you were married
-that darn devil cat
-you shopping in my room
-Shelley Belly
-you bringing me a gift and a sandwich the day my mom died, you just sat at the kitchen table and let me cry.
-11pm calls to talk while driving all over
-bawling as I had to leave while you were in labor with Gabriel so I could get to my dad's wedding
-my favorite phone call...me telling you I was pregnant
You: Hello?Me: Your never gonna believe this.You: Oh my gosh! Our kids are gonna be the same age!Me: Yep {all the while, I'm trying to figure out how you could have gotten that out of"your never gonna believe this"?}-being with you when the girls were born
-my wedding to Tab
-going to your mom's house
-watching you do your make-up
while in labor with all 3 kids, and even telling them to
wait so you could fix your eyeliner with Gracie, just so you would have great pictures as soon as they were born
Now obviously these are
just a few, but you get the point. I could
literally go on for hours, but I'll resist. You have this unbelievably huge heart. You are so afraid to hurt people's feelings, and I on the other hand, tell it like it is, especially to you. There have been times when I have been very blunt with my advice, but you still love me regardless. Hopefully because you know I do it out of love. There are too many reasons that you are special to me, but mainly because you accept me for all my flaws, and can laugh at me for some of them. You always support me. I can't think of a time where you weren't supportive of my decisions, or stood by my side while I made them. On the same note, I have tried to always do the same for you. We both know we have each had our own struggles, and even though I tend to practice tough love on you, you understand why.
Gabriel, Lexi & Caroline

Lexi, me & Gracie 7.4.08

Lexi, Michelle & Boog

Boog, Gabriel, & Lexi at Gracie's 1st birthday

I have never in my life met anyone like you. Not only are you gorgeous,
even during childbirth, but you have such a beautiful spirit. You are never quick to judge people, and even have faith in people when they have let you down. I think most importantly, you are such an amazing christian example. Your not perfect, but your faith is ever present, and you lead by example. You are loving and generous, all the time, to almost anyone. Your home is always open to others, even though there are already 6 of you.
Gabriel, Michelle, David, Lexi, Kyle & Gracie

Lexi & Caroline

Gabriel & Caroline

Michelle, you are my best friend, through thick and thin, through it all. You are one of the only people I trust completely with my daughter, you're her 2nd mommy. You have watched me become who I am and helped me become that person. There are so many things that we share together, and so many memories we have made, and I know there will be many more. If there ever was a reason for me to stay in Dallas, it would have been you and the kids. I think we both cried for hours when I decided the best place for me and boog was with my family. But we make it work. Maybe we don't see each other nearly as often as we would like, and we can't just hang out on the weekends anymore, but we always know we're there for each other. That's all that really matters.
So, on your 30th, I wish you love, joy, and all the happiness that you deserve, I just wish I could be with you to celebrate. I love you girl.