***Updated Below***
Boy oh boy was yesterday just whiny! I thought I had it bad, but nope, so did my poor Boog. We have been having a problem for the last 2 weeks of getting our clip changed at school.
*****Quick side story*****
Each child starts out on blue everyday, if they act out, don't do their work, or various other things, they have to move their "clip" to another color. The color scale is as follows: Blue {great day}, Green {had a few rough spots}, Yellow {3rd strike}, Orange {call to the parents}, & Red {you guessed it, visit the principal}.
*****Side story over*****
Out of the last 2 weeks, she has only been blue 2 times! That's just not good! Green 2 times, Yellow 3 times & Orange once! I have been so discouraged, and just can't seem to help her. So last night we were talking about ways that she can change this behavior, and I really hope she can just step up, and be a big girl. I know she can. But the whole night she cried and whined, and was just plain miserable! I'm afraid she may be coming down with something, but I'm praying she doesn't since her birthday party is this weekend! She kept on telling me she was freezing, but the house was warm. No fever though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
On another note, one of the things I have a HUGE problem with is Boog chewing her hair....so gross! About 2 months ago, we told her if she kept doing it, we were taking her to get it cut short so that she wouldn't be able to chew on it anymore....we had to get it cut. And honestly, she looks better with short hair because it is so fine and straight, but she doesn't know that ;) She wants to have long, long hair, so getting it cut seems to work because she is so sad it's not long, she'll quit chewing on it....for a little while. Well it was finally growing out a little, enough for a ponytail at least, and she has been chewing on it again for a few weeks, so last night we trekked to get it cut...again. But, I had them stack it in the back and angle it to the front, it looks great! I'll post pics when I get the chance!
So........can anyone guess what she has been getting in trouble for at school? If you know me then this should not be so hard to figure out, I get teased all the time for doing the same thing. We'll see if anyone gets it right!
***I guess it really wouldn't be a shock huh? I mean I do have a blog and all so I can constantly "talk"!!! But yep, Caroline has been talking too much and yes dad, disrupting the class! How do I make her stop?***
Sale Favorites
22 hours ago
Well, right away I thought it would be talking a lot!! But hmmmm, not sure...can't wait to find out!
I read this blog to your father and he says it must be talking and disrupting the class. Remember this wasnt my comment but his. LOL Mary Lou
My DD is not that talkative unless she is with us. THen it's non stop. So I am not sure what to tell you. Some kids are just chatty.
I can't wait to see a pic of her hair! I bet it's cute. I've thought of cutting Rayna's in a stack bob before, just haven't gone thru with it.
Her worst habit was sucking her thumb, she FINALLY quit that, but I mean you can't cut her thumb off like you can hair, so consider yourself lucky that was her only icky habit ;)
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