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07 November 2008

Dental Mayhem

Here is my latest update on the good ole teeth. If you read this post, you are pretty much up to date...until yesterday! I had to go back yesterday because I was dying {ok, not really, but I hurt like the dickens!!!} So he tells me that I still have a raging infection in my tooth that is making my ear hurt. Since I can't afford the $2200.00 price tag to fix these last 3 teeth just yet, he came up with another plan.

He drilled a very tiny hole in my tooth to relieve some of the pressure, and let it start draining {YUCK}. I am on yet another round of antibiotics for a week and go back next Friday for a Pulpotamy {and no I don't really understand what that is}, and then he will shave my tooth down so I can't bite with it.

All this so that I can avoid having the full blown root canal, and making my tooth too brittle to put the crown on in January. If this doesn't work, then I will be missing 3 teeth {all molars} on the upper left of my mouth! Just call me bubbette! Hope fully this will work so that I can have teeth to eat with and be completely pain free for once in the last 5 years!


Courtney and the Boys said...

Wow...and I thought I had been through the ringer with my teeth. I don't hold a candle to your journey! I went to the dentist 8 times in one month a few months ago. I had my first root canal (OMGoodness) and first crown. Wow. I can't imagine what you've been through. Hang in there!!

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...
