I got 2 new patterns today, and I cannot wait to get home and try one of them out! It's killing me! I only have 13 minutes to go! Then, I'm hitting the road baby!
And picking up Caroline.
Then starting dinner.
And working on homework.
And laundry.
Then eating dinner.
Then bath time for Caroline.
Then bed time for Caroline.
That means it's 8:30pm.
Get the trash ready.
I forget? Why was I so excited to rush home? With all this I won't have time to sew tonight!!! Ughhhh!
I'll just get Caroline a lunchable out, tell her she can take her bath in the morning, and who cares if we have clean laundry?!?!?
just kidding......i think
Sale Favorites
11 hours ago
What kinda patterns? I want to do a new sewing project, the baby legs.
The baby legs? Huh? The leg warmers? I got one new purse pattern and one dress pattern for Caroline! I started the purse last night...so cute!
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