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06 March 2009


Today was the Kindergarten Rodeo, and let me just tell you, I don't think I have ever seen a group of kids so excited! Seriously. They were super cute!

What makes it even better for me...Boog got to participate when we didn't even think she would BE there today! Remember, she was supposed to be on her last day of IVIG infusions, but Praise God, she didn't need a single one! She was really sad last week when she thought she would be in the hospital and miss the rodeo, she said they had been practicing for a while and she wanted to be there. Not only was she there, but she didn't have to sit on the side and watch!

I'm telling you, these kids wore themselves plum out! They started by doing a musical in the gym, they did several songs, and had tons of fun! They all rode in on wooden horses they made out of yard much fun! Afterwards, we all went outside where they had "Rodeo Events" set-up. Talk about going all out, they did! They had barrel races {on their wooden horses}, target shooting {with water guns}, calf roping {with a longhorn skull and hula hoops}, oil relay races {they used colored water and had to carry a ladle full of "oil" to the next person}, and western dress.

When they were done, thay all got a turn sitting on a saddle for their Western picture. It was so much fun for the teachers, kids, and the parents...great memories!

Here are some pictures from the days events! Some of them are blurry...sorry!

Target Shooting

Calf Roping

Barrel Racing

All the girls in Caroline's Class

Caroline & Matthew

Mrs. Barrick's Kindergarten Class 08-09

Me & my baby girl you remember these? Yuck!
I do, and she wanted me to buy a school lunch! thanks, I served my time in school!


Shorty said...

Was that hamburger and tots day??? I loved the school burgers and day came a close second. I still can remember the flavor, which wasn't that good, but for some reason I loved it...

So glad Caroline got to play in the rodeo!!!

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

Yep, good old soy burger day! I loved pizza day too, but I'm not so sure I could stomach it now!

Earth Mama Sarah said...

yep, stinky, stinky.