This whole ITP thing makes me crazy. Of course, we went on Tuesday for Boog's platelet count, which traumatizes her every time, only to find out it dropped. 47k in a week. Tuesday the 10th, her count was 232k, Tuesday the 17th her count was 185k. Still in the "good zone", but it still dropped that much in a week. And there are faint signs of the petechiea showing its ugly face.
We get to go again on Friday to have her counts done, she was so excited, she jumped for joy...more like hysteria really. I hate having to put her though this.
150k is the lowest of "normal" platelet counts, so we are quickly approaching that, and once we do, then it's off to the specialist for them to decide what to do next. At this point all we really know is that if it drops to 100 or below, we will probably be putting sweet Caroline in the hospital for the 5 day IVIG infusions.
Keep on praying friends!
Redefining Senior Moment
13 hours ago
Lifting up prayers for sweet Caroline.
You and your precious girl will be in my prayers!!
Lifting Caroline up now :)
I don't know anything about what's going on, I was so behind on my bloggy reading. I hope she pulls out of this, whatever it is.
Re the costumes, I guess I could use as a Halloween costume if I can't get rid of them, but I was really hoping to recoup some of my money :( But glad to know I'm not alone Alicia!
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