Wow...I truly had forgotten how cruel some people could be.
Unfortunately, Caroline's dad and his girlfriend have parted ways. What makes this sad is that Caroline really likes the girl {for this post we will call her GF}. And so did I. At first I was a little concerned because she is quite a bit younger, and that made me a little uneasy. I'd like to think that most of us as parents, try to do the best things for our children. GF & I sat down when the time came for Caroline to meet her, and I told her my concerns about her age, and the things I would like her to respect when it came to her dad and I raising our daughter. I felt really good about everything after we talked.
Over the course of this last 6-8 months, we have welcomed GF into our lives and our home with open arms. That may sound strange, maybe it doesn't, but her dad and GF seemed pretty serious so I wanted to make things easier for all of us by respecting his relationship. Because in the end, that's what best for Caroline. GF has been included in all things, holidays, we had them down for Caroline's b-day, and after the long day of 6 year old pampering, we offered for them to stay in our home. Again, the same situation on Christmas day. Which was fine, we get along, she seemed to respect our parenting roles, what could be better.
During this time, all of us including Caroline, had conversations about their future. They were talking about moving down here this summer to be closer to Caroline, talked about marriage, kids for them, etc. Since then, times have been rough for them, which is how it goes right? You have good times and bad times. But my concern with GF has always been how inexperienced she is in life. She is more than a decade younger than me, and just doesn't see quite how the world works. She still lives at home, and Caroline's dad moved in with them too, so GF has no clue what being a "real" adult, being on your own, is like. She thinks she knows. During the last few weeks when Caroline and Tab were trying to make me have a nervous breakdown, GF repeatedly "broke up" {that just sounds so funny to me} with Caroline's dad. I felt really bad for him, seeing as he was unsure about his daughters health, and what would happen next.
What makes this whole thing worse is that GF did all this, "it's over, and you need to move" while Caroline was there. To me, that was a conversation to be had without her present. And now, she has been there this whole week for spring break, to yet again be told that her dad has to move out. GF assured me the other day, after a crying Caroline said that GF told her they could go ride horses but then left to go to the movies with another boy, that she was thinking about how this would affect Caroline and making sure she didn't do anything to hurt her. Caroline doesn't understand what is going on. And later that night, GF thought that she would be asleep and that it would be okay for her to bring a guy home with her, change clothes, grab a change of clothes and her toothbrush and leave with this guy. Caroline was awake, and saw this. I made a visible comment about not respecting me or Caroline about doing this in front of her. And yes, I was a tad ugly {not with nasty language}, I just said that if she couldn't respect what I asked, then maybe she should introduce her boyfriend to Caroline next time.
I know, I know...I am better than that, I was just so mad that she blatantly ignored my rights as a mother to keep those things out of Caroline's vision, that I lashed out a little. Instead of being the adult she thinks she is, and talking to me about it, this is what I find:
TO:ALICIA_B***h f**k you, you dont even know what your talking about so shut your f***ing mouth- GF has friends that are guys and no that isnt her boyfriend, you should be more concerned about her {Caroline's} dad taking care of her instead of who GF is with or not with. GF doesnt want to f***ing go home because your x-husband is there driving her crazy!{GF asked him to move in with her} before you go believing everything that comes out of his mouth y dont you check yourself and get both sides of the story {I called and asked GF what was going on} and leave GF the f**k alone have you ever thought if steven actually had a stable life and could live on his own then THAT would prevent alot of things you dont agree with{so that makes GF's actions okay because he is living with her}?? hello. yall both should be lucky GF doesnt kick steven out of her house right maybe yall should think about how that would make Caroline feel- because without GF right now he is homeless..{he might be, but Caroline has a loving, moral home with me & Tab, where those immoral things don't take place.}
This was sent to me by GF's best friend, whojust recently had a 18, I guess she already got the Best Mom Award, and has earned the right to tell me a mom of 6+ years how to be a parent. I guess maybe I have a lot more to learn about being a good parent. Ahhhhh. What it must be like to be so young and act so carefree. I prefer to spend my time making sure my little girl has the best childhood she can.
I would really like your comments on this one. Am I overreacting? Did I over step my bounds? Did I do the right thing and look out for Caroline's best interests? At this point, I just don't know. I prayed for wisdom last night, and comfort in my actions. I also prayed for GF and her friend. I do know that I love that precious, innocent, sweet little girl more than I could ever say in words.
Redefining Senior Moment
12 hours ago
Wow. and more wow. I think you've done an incredible job trying to support your x's relationship so that it could be a benefit to Caroline. I think GF is totally in the wrong, and acting as a selfish- still-in-high-school mentality person would. I would recommend bringing Caroline home until her dad sorts out his living situation and gets settled somewhere else. I think its sad that GF can't put aside her wants long enough for Caroline to finish up her visit in a seemingly normal household.
In a way I think its good that Caroline has been exposed to this because you can use it as a learning opportunity. I know she's only 6, but I'm willing to bet she'll bring this up for years to come, and each time you'll be able to reiterate what you would've done differently from GF to protect her. She'll remember your words and learn from your stable opinion as she grows up.
All the best to you, my friend. Keep praying because I think that's one of the best things you can do. The other thing I recommend is just getting her out of that environment. No offense to your x, but Caroline's protection is what's most important.
I'd send a message back to GF's best friend..."when you get over your hormones return to normal, and you stop thinking you're on the Jerry Springer Show and grow up give me a call and we can talk mother to mother."
Wow, I'm so sorry. What a terrible situation for a 6 year old to be exposed to.
I agree with Shorty that Caroline should not be exposed to this situation until it is sorted out...however you probably have legal visitation agreements that you have to abide by.
I am sorry that you and your daughter have to go through this. Yuck and immature on the part of the GF and BFF. Caroline needs to be the priority in sheltering her for her dad.
Oh my goodness...I agree with the first two commentors and if you can, pull her home. This is an awful situation for her to be in and she should NOT have to go through this. Seriously old GF should not have done this with Caroline at all!
So this is the first time I have read your I dont have any background. But if it were me. I'd be in my car driving to pick up my daughter! WOW!
Good luck to you on this one! :)
G!! This GF and her friend seems soooo mature! You have EVERY right to feel and act the way you did because you ARE a good mother-One thing GF and her friend need to take lessons from! Poor things have A LOY oto learn. LOL-I bet your blood was boiling for a moment, cause mine did reading it!
G!! This GF and her friend seems soooo mature! You have EVERY right to feel and act the way you did because you ARE a good mother-One thing GF and her friend need to take lessons from! Poor things have A LOT to learn. LOL-I bet your blood was boiling for a moment, cause mine did reading it!
I am sorry this has happened and that Caroline has been exposed to this. Sadly your first thought of her being young and immature was correct.
You did not overreact, if it is possible I would have her brought back immediately. He needs to sort out things with her and not have Caroline involved in the process.
This is a good learning situation, you did what you thought was right by welcoming GF and now in the future you will be more reserved with good reason.
Thanks for your support everybody! And yes, I wanted to get in my care last night and go get her, but I can't. Legalities and all. Spring break is his week, and I can't do anything about it, which just plain stinks. But I did let him know that I don't want Caroline around GF, or for GF to talk to her while she is there. I can only hope.
holy hannah! I feel for you and Caroline. I don't think there is anyway I could've handled the situation with even half the maturity you have ... kudos to standing your ground with strength and "adultness." ;) Good luck!
No Ma'am you did not just post your pathetic life story on the internet..learn to keep drama to your self- its high school to post stuff like this on the internet. Go cry to someone who cares..maybe you post this because you dont have a real life so you write about drama on the web.. you should thank Carolines dad,GF and BFF for giving you something to blog about without them what would you do??? ohh no!!
ps. your LAME- get over it..
Get a life...
I actually find it quite comical that GF and her BFF felt the need to comment on this post.
It seems to me that they obviously don't know much about who I am as a person. This is one post out of what 150?
To which, if they bothered to notice, my blog is mostly about my DAUGHTER, being a wife, and a mother.
I think what I find most comical is that I am being perceived as the "highschool drama" one.
I don't know a single mother who would not have gone to bat for their child's best interests. And I even said in my post that I said a few, less than "age appropriate" things. I was mad. Get over it.
I would also say, that based on my other comments, that my thoughts on this were in the majority. But, I know for the most part, I am among friends, who have the same beliefs as me...obviously.
Thanks for your profound thoughts on my life. They mean so much to me, truly heartfelt:)
At the end of the day, I know I am a GREAT mother. I have a great relationship with Caroline's dad, who also has great relationship with my husband. Which really makes raising Caroline a great thing.
No other opinions are really needed. I do love advice from seasoned mothers, or parents, who have been in a split home situation, or not.
Just because I don't go party it up anymore, have lots of "friends", or whatever, doesn't mean I'm lame. But if being a mother, who loves her child, and vents her frustrations to her friends and family that don't live near me makes me lame, I'll take that.
And how sweet, I have my own LAME gang now...that rocks!
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