Many of you follow MckMama at My Charming Kids. Which means that many of you know the state of Stellan's health at the moment. I ask you tonight to be in prayer or thought {whatever your beliefs} for this sweet little boy.

Many of you know his story. For those of you who don't, here is an extremely brief recap. During the pregnancy, he was diagnosed with Super Ventricular Tachychardia {among other things}, which is an extremely high heart beat. They said he wouldn't live. He was carried full term. He has never shown any signs of this horrible diagnosis, until now. He is 4 months old, and was taken last night to the ER. He was having some breathing issues, but they didn't think it was his heart. His heart was fine, but some of the meds he was given may have thrown him into the SVT. The doctors have been trying furiously to get his heart rate down to no avail. It just goes up and down.
Please be in thought and prayer for him and remember his family.
I feel like I know this family. When you are given a daily glimpse into the lives of others, there is a part of you that feels a small portion of what they feel. I have not only followed them for a while now, but I have been in contact with MckMama on a personal level too, so this just makes me hurt for her and her precious bunch. I would love to get the chance to really be Jennifer's friend. She is an amazing woman, mother, christian, wife, and so much more. I just wish that all of us that care for this family could be there to give them all a huge hug. But since I can't {maybe some of you can}, I am doing my part to share their story.
And yes, I am going to ask you yet again to pray, think about, send warm fuzzies, whatever you call it to Stellan tonight. Please be with them.
Love to you all~
The blogging world has become "family" to me too. I totally understand the feeling. Stellan is in my thoughts and prayers!
I read about him yesterday, and yes...many prayers are needed! Such a sweet little face, and a precious family.
Praying for Stellan now.
Love and Prayers,
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