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03 November 2009

More of the Same

...around our house at least!  We've been pretty busy, but nothing out of the norm for us.  We had the book fair at school one week, and Caroline had so much fun at all the activities.  First they got to bring money with them to school to go buy books.  Last year, I forgot to send money and Caroline was so upset with me that I made sure to get her money ready so that she got to buy a book.  Let me tell you, that girl is something else!  I sent $10, thinking that most of the books she might want would cost around that, and she would get to have the responsibility of choosing her own and paying for it...wrong thing to do, I should have forgotten to send money again!  When I picked her up that day she proudly shows me her purchase:  a pencil, a pencil sharpener that looks like a puppy, a pointer with a hand on the end and a googly eyed pen.  What?!?!  I just couldn't believe it!

The next morning was Donuts with Dad, and since her dad lives here now, he got to go with her!  He came by to pick her up for school, it was so cute.

Can you tell Boog was excited?

Then the final night was Open House-Grandparents Night.  She was so excited to have some of her grandparents there.  My parents went and so did Tab's, her dad's grandparents all live in Dallas, so they couldn't make it!  She had so much fun taking them all around the school, introducing teachers to them and finally going to get cookies and punch in the cafeteria.

Caroline with my parents

Caroline with Tab's dad & step-mom


Camily said...

What a happy, precious girl you have! So lucky to have her family around her!

Nicole said...

Um, are you referring to "The Pointer?" Uh, yes, it is a MUST HAVE!! (Thank goodness they were only $4.99!) We did have to review the "Pointer Rules" though: 1) the pointer is not to touch bodies. 2) the pointer points at things not people. 3) we do not throw the pointer. 4) if any of these rules are broken, the pointer is mommy's.

Alicia {Murry Mayhem} said...

Nicole...I hate the pointer! The pointer already belongs to mommy!

Earth Mama Sarah said...

I remember going to a book fair and coming home with a unicorn poster- my mom couldn't believe it either!