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07 November 2009

The Greatest Man I Know...Happy Birthday

Today my daddy celebrates his 69th birthday!  WOW!  I just can't believe it!  Yesterday, I jokingly asked him if he felt old yet, and he said nah!  I just love him!  He's so great, I would truly be lost with out him.  So today is all about you daddy, and all the things I love about you and all the reasons your one of my heros.

I was such a lucky little girl, God gave me the best parents, put with me parents who would love and nurture me, and give me a good, solid life.  I learned so much from you and mom.  I learned stability, pride, honor, but most of all love for family.  Amy and I had ever opportunity, we wanted for nothing.  One of the greatest lessons you ever taught me was to be me and stand up for what I believed in.  I have so many memories...

Mom & Dad {sometime in the late 50's}

You have always cracked me up!  You can always make me laugh, but I always knew when I had let you down.  I know I wasn't a bad kid, I didn't get into trouble, but I haven't always made the best decisions.  You've always been there to help me find my way.  You sat at every dance recital {for 16 years!}, every tennis match, every football game, every drill team performance.  You never let me down.

I love this little car.  I remember you restoring the seats, and getting seatbelts for it so you could take me to school in it.  I loved when you picked me up at Central with the top off...I felt so special!  I remember how hard it was to get the top off, and how you would lay it in the grass next to the driveway.

Yes, my dad had a boat in our pool!  Who does that?  MY dad!  I remember how funny you and Chuck were tooting around in the pool checking out the running motor!  And then we took it to our land in Tyler and went fishing.

Christmas 2008

July 2007 - The first time we had all the grandkids together in 3 years

One of the hardest things I ever had to tell you was that I was pregnant.  Granted, I was an adult, living on my own, but I was so terrified to tell my deacon father that his little girl was having a baby out of wedlock!  I started crying as soon as you answered the phone...and you just said "okay", and then asked why I was crying.  I was cying because I was so afraind I had let you down.


After we lost mom, I felt so lost.  I also felt like I had to make sure you were okay.  I became super protective over you!  When you and Mary Lou met I was thrilled!  I had my moments through all of it where I was hurt and confused {it didn't help that I was pregnant!} but over the last 4 years I've grown to love her too.  Mostly because of how much she loves you.  She makes you happy, and that's all I can ask for.   You have seen so much of the world because of her, and she has brought a whole new light to your eyes.

I'll always be protective of you...your my daddy.  I can never tell you how much I love and respect you, and how much you mean to me.  You taught me so much, and still do.  I honestly don't know what I will ever do without you.  I guess your just gonna have to find the fountain of youth!

Caroline is a very lucky little girl to have a grandpa like you!  She adores you {and grandma too!}  It's always so amazing to see her excited to tell you about something.  And she's always so excited to have y'all at things.  She was so proud to have y'all at Grandparents Night.  She loves to come over and go down to the creek with you, and she's always so funny when we are driving up, she wants to know if you've been in the road playing on your tractor!

 I love you daddy!  I love everything about you.  You always listen, your always there, and you live life to the fullest.  I'm so glad that you have found someone to share that with.  I will always know that I can count on you, and I hope you know that you can always count on me.  I would do anything for you.  Heck, I owe it to you!  All the times you've helped me out, and recently all the dentist appointments you've driven me to and sat in there with me because I'm too scared to be alone! 

I hope you have the best birthday, I love you daddy!!!!!


The Drama Mama said...

PRECIOUS precious! You are one blessed young lady! Love & HUGS! Love ya!

Elyse said...

WoW...what a dad! Hope he has a GREAT birthday and enjoys his day :)

Unknown said...

He sound like a helluva guy! I appreciate the post. Where's my present?

Love Daddy!

Martha Jones said...

WOW! That was an awesome post! Happy Birthday to your dad. What a great relationship you both have. So special!

Laurie said...

Loved the post! I agree with Mar, you guys have a special relationship!! What a blessing!!!:)

Camily said...

Precious! What a great man. I am so thankful for my daddy, too, and for my husband, who is also a great daddy! There is nothing like "Daddy!"

Lindsey said...

I'm just now looking at blogs and I love what you wrote about your Daddy! So special!! Hope you are doing great :)

Earth Mama Sarah said...

Alicia, you are so sweet! Happy Birthday, Jack! And Ruby thinks the pictures of you guys are Aunt Jennifer and Papa Jim! Miss you!