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24 November 2009

8:29am: Pure Love

This is for you Baby Girl...
my Sweet Caroline, Booga Boo, Boog, Stinky McGee...

{and yes, I am humiliating myself just for you...since you love these next 2 pictures so much!}

6 months

 Right before I had you


At about 8:25am Dr. Dean told me you would be here in a few minutes {I didn't know what time it was}, so I asked,"What time is it?", to which he replied,"8:26".

"Can you wait until 8:31"?

"She'll be here in about 2 minutes".

"But I wanted her to be born at 8:31".

"How about 8:29?" {as he pulls her out}

At that moment I could have cared less about what time it was.  My girl was here.  All that I had been waiting for just seconds away from my eyes.  He lifted her over the sheet that was draping over me, and I was in love. Pure.Love.

I have spent every moment since trying to be the best mommy I can.  Making sure that my decisions are good for you, that you eat right, you do your homework, gosh...that still gets me homework.  How can you already be old enough for homework?

Seven years.  No one can ever explain to a mommy how fast the time goes, blink and its gone.

I know I don't have to explain to you how special you are to me.  You know.  So, I have decided to just share some memories.  From when you were born until now.

The first is really not about you at all, but a treasured story from when I had you.  I was so excited, for so many reasons, but every mom knows how great it is to have food after having a baby.  Most of the time you are so hungry from not being allowed to eat, that getting food totally rocks!  Well, I decided I needed Whataburger.  It was soooo yummy!  I was cleaning up my mess and putting all the trash in my bag when suddenly I was covered in red blobs.  It looked like I had been shot!  I punctured a ketchup package...and it exploded all over the place.  Me, the wall behind me, and even the ceiling above me.  Instantly everyone there started cracking up, including me for about 1/2 a second until the peircing pain hit me.  Duh!  I just had a C-section, I couldn't laugh!  So then, in true Alicia fashion, the tears started.  And then the obsenities and me screaming at everyone to get out of my room.

You were so tiny, only weighing in at 5lbs. 11oz. when we brought you home {6lb.2oz at birth}.  Your first night "home" was spent at your Aunt Amy's house because the next day was Thanksgiving, and everyone was coming to see you.  You slept through the night from day 1, scaring me half to death because you were supposed to keep me up all night.

At about 7 weeks old I shaved your head.  I know.  No one has to ask me what I was thinking,  I temporarily lost my mind.  I was told by my hair stylist that it would make your hair grow in even and faster.  Lets just say that you were lucky to have a bow in your hair on your 1st birthday.

6 months old

1st Birthday

10 took off running!

1st Halloween...this face is priceless

You were a piglet, still are really.  But, you have always eaten so healthy.  Very shocking.  And you did not want us to feed you.  You had to do it all by yourself.

You are a fiercely loyal little thing.  You  make friends and keep them.  Max was your best bud for years at school.  Gabriel has been your best friend from day one, and now you have many more.  You're too smart for your own good, and it wears me out.  There is no way to "put one over" on you!  I just can't tell you how much you mean to me...


 One of my absolute favorite pictures of you...ever!  It just shows your personality to a T.

I love you Boog,

{and to any of those wondering why I wanted her to be born at 8:31, here's the story.}
I know I've talked about my BFF Michelle lots, and we were lucky enough to be preggers together.  She delivered her son, Gabriel exactly 12 weeks before at 8:31am.  So if Boog could have stuck it out for 2 more minutes, she and her best bud would have been born 12 weeks the minute!  How cool would that have been?


Martha Jones said...

Happy Birthday, Caroline! What an adorable baby you were! What a beautiful girl you are! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday, Caroline!!

Whataburger was my first meal after Addison was born, too. :)

Camily said...

So sweet! Isn't being a mom the greatest thing in the whole wide world???! Have a wonderful, wonderful day of celebrating!!!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Sweetest post ever!!!!!! I love all the stories and pictures, but shaving her head is hilarious!!! :) Happy birthday, Caroline! You sure are one loved little girl. :)

Dina said...

Such cute pictures! Happy Birthday to Caroline! And I hope you are feeling better now.

Shorty said...

Great pictures and such a sweet post! I love sweet mommy stories like that.

Trina said...


Happy Bday Caroline!

Laurie said...

Great post!!! Enjoyed all the pics! Happy B-day to Caroline!! Having a sweet baby before Thanksgiving...WoW! What a great reminder of what to be thankful for!! Hope you are feeling better Alicia!!