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07 July 2009

Back Among the Living, I Think?

First, I want to thank Hollie for posting for me while I was in the hospital! I had my laptop with me, but the hospitals wi-fi was a little sketchy, and I couldn't log in to make posts, but luckily I could tweet from my phone!

Well, where do I begin?

Last Monday {6-29-09} I went to the doctor because I had an infection, a "bump" and it kept getting bigger. I know from past experiences {Tab & Caroline} that this could be a staph infection, and I wanted to get it checked out. I was given medicine, sent home and told to follow-up on Wednesday. By Tuesday night, I was really hurting and noticing a lot of swelling and redness. I figured I would just go ahead and wait until the morning for my appointment. I got there, and was immediately sent to another doctor, who then called in several other doctors for their opinions. Next thing I know, I am being sent to the hospital with admitting papers and my room number in hand! Okay, when does that happen? They don't even give you a room number when your in labor!

So to everyone's shock and amazement, mostly mine, I find myself in room 1431 by 11:30 in the morning last Wednesday. Wow.

I had 2 doctors that were assigned to handle my case while I was there, given ungodly amounts of antibiotics, and had surgery . I will detail all {mostly all, leaving out some details} events, and fill you all in! But for now, I will leave you with a few pictures of my first few days.

This was my glorious view for the duration of 6 days in isolation. Fun Times.

This is what the other side looks like. Well, behind me too.

This is what time it was when they finally had me settled.


Frugal Jen said...

So glad you are back home and doing better!

Elyse said...

So.NOT.FUN! Hang in there sweet friend and rest up. You will be better b/f you know it!

Lindsey said...

Glad you are home and can rest in your own bed! Lifting you up in prayer to keep getting better, girl!

Camily said...

I could have sworn that I had already commented, but apparently not. I am so glad you are home. If I were your real-life friend (instead of in blog world), I'd bring you magazines and movies and probably ice cream. Get better soon!