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12 July 2009

Fighting MRSA

After I got all settled in my prison for the next 6 days, I had visits from 3 doctors, telling me what to expect...oh boy! My nurse came in and started my IV, which wasn't too bad...especially for someone who can't stand needles and happens to have really bad veins. Things were trucking right along, just hanging out with hubby and my parents, when my arm started to really hurt. Nurse comes in to check the IV, says it looks great and shoots some pain meds in...Whoa baby! Not in a good that really helps kind of way, in a OMG get this thing out of my arm kind of way.

Yep, my IV infiltrated, pouring fluids and pain meds right into my upper arm. There was lots of pain, and swelling, and days later bruising. This began my 7 IV party...yes, they had to change locations of my IV 7 times in 6 days. I haven't decided if it was bad placement, or bad veins, but either way, it hurt like the dickens and caused me lots of unnecessary tears. Have I mentioned that I hate needles...and I am a bad patient?

Most of the time wasn't horrible, except that I was stuck in my room. I couldn't go walk, go outside to walk Boog out, go to the gift shop....nothing, I was quarantined. Fun stuff people, fun stuff. The worst part was being away from Caroline. It broke my heart, not being able to see her every day. I didn't want her up there, seeing me that way or potentially getting icky germs...but I did see her a few times. By Friday, I was really sad, and so ready to head home, but the docs thought I might need surgery, so I was stuck. Tab was great, he stayed with me at night and played gin with me to keep my spirits up, unhooked my IV so I could go to the bathroom, held my hand when I got new IV's...I love him to pieces. And my parents were great, offering any help they could give, and my brother and sister in law were great, offering to keep Caroline for us.

I was slightly depressed that we weren't going to get to do anything with Caroline on the 4th of July, but Caroline was thrilled to get to spend time with her cousin Blake. So while the rest of the country was enjoying all of the festivities of Independence Day, I was told I would be stuck in the hospital and having surgery at 8PM...while people were enjoying burgers and homemade vanilla ice cream, I was in the OR having surgery.

They finally let me leave on Monday. That started a whole new slew of problems. The meds they put me on had the worst side effects ever! My mouth started to swell, was raw, cracking, my face was swollen, and I won't go into detail about what it did to my stomach. I finally got that staightened out and a good check-up from the doc, and things seem to be going a lot better for now. I get to go back to work this week, and my meds now seem to be fine other than they make me really emotional. Oh, one of the most important things that happened during the whole ordeal was that since I couldn't leave my room, I was forced to quit smoking, yes...I smoked. Not really something I talk about on here, but something I have fought for years, my only real vice. So on top of all the fun medicines and their side effects, I have been fighting the effects of not smoking.

All in all, I think I am a-okay. I have a few more follow-ups, and then hopefully it will be all over! If you have never dealt with MRSA {staph}, I hope you never do. It is an awful, nasty infection, that really stinks! Hopefully we can finally get rid of this mess, and quit passing it from person to person.

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! They mean so much!!!!


Shorty said...

So glad you are ok and back home!!! And, to know that you've stopped smoking? That is wonderful news. I heard a report just this a.m. on NPR that it is harder for women to stop b/c of emotional ties to why they smoke. Hang in there, finish healing from the STAPH, and don't give in to smoking when you're feeling better. You're a tough cookie and can handle it!

Hope you have a wonderful week back home with your Boog!

The Drama Mama said...

I am so proud of you Alicia! Really, so proud! I know you can quit don't give yourself enough credit! Use that time that you went without as a stepping stone to get through this. I am praying hard that you can keep up the good work! And I'm so thankful you are home and getting better! Love, Prayers & HUGS!!

Lindsey said...

Woe, girl, you need a vacation! I wish you lived closer so I could bring you something-dinner, wine-just kidding! Seriously, I hope you get better each day and I'm sorry you had to deal with the illness. Congrats on quitting smoking-that is awesome! Praying for you!

Earth Mama Sarah said...

oh sweetie! Sounds awful, but you're a strong one and surrounded by so many people who love you dearly.... hugs and kisses from me and Stinkerbelle.

Laurie said...

I am just now getting caught up and I am so glad to see you home and blogging again! You gave us a little scare!!