Whew...I have been a busy momma this last week! It was my first week back at work after being off for 2 weeks! And since I wasn't off vacationing I was a little slow at the beginning of the week! But as the week progressed, momma got her groove back! LOL!
Poor Shimmer got a bath...by Boog
Shimmer looks terrified, LOL!

I've had lots of projects that I have been working on, shipping out, and planning...I'm so excited and can't wait to share them! My parents dog groomer {for some reason that doesn't sound grammatically correct to me?} is moving her shop, and she wants some items to sell. So, the wonderful daddy-o told her about my work! So I have been getting some things together, as well as making a few new things to take up there so she can take a look! Hopefully, she'll
love them, and I'll get more business!

Of course, I have a few orders I have been finishing up, and a few I am getting the details on, so I have been really happy with my side business lately! I
lOVE to paint, sew, create fun things for people, so I have been having a blast! We {Caroline and I} are also working on a special project for her buddy
Ryan...I'll post about it after we give it to him!
We had a fairly laid back weekend, with a
quick impromptu date with the hubby thrown in! Saturday, Boog and I headed over to her cousin Blake's house for a bit. They just got a new pool, and the kids were just
dying to go swim! His mom had a meeting to go to and I hung out with the kids for a while, then when she got home, I ran a few errands {which took
way longer than I imagined} while she hung out with the kids! Boog
did not want to go home! She ended up staying the night, which she loved, because she adores her aunt, uncle and cousin Blake!
Hubby has a second job during harvest working for one of his old bosses farming. He loves the change in work, so he looks forward to it every year. Needless to say, that during harvest, we only see him around 9:30 at night every night, which Boog is almost always already asleep by then. On Saturday night they finished up a little early, and we had no kid! We almost didn't know what to do! It has been literally
months and months since we have had a night to ourselves! We decided to go ahead and grab dinner {it was already 9pm}, and hopped on the bike. There's this little mexican place we love and we headed up there, only to get there and see that they are getting ready to close! But the owner is super nice, and we hapopen to go there frequently, so he ushered us in to eat...which was so sweet of him! We had a good meal, great conversation {I talked way more than I ate, and Tab kept laughing the whole time, but I never see him and I had a lot to catch up on!} and knew it was time to get out of there and let them get home! Don't worry, hubby left a huge tip for staying there just to feed us!
Sunday, I picked up Boog, and we headed home to do laundry. That evening we had Blake's birthday party at the
Water Park here. He and several of his friends with July birthdays rented the place out for the evening! It was tons of fun, and such a great idea. Boog was asleep within minutes of getting home last night!
Blake on his "real" birthday

How was your weekend? Do anything super fun?