It's that time again...are you ready?
-Chiggers stink!
Chiggers first show up as annoying red bumps. An itch begins. It grows. More hard red welts surface. From your feet and ankles upward, and especially at those tender locations your mother told not to scratch in public, a maddening itch takes hold.
Savage scratching begins. Every welt becomes a persistent, exquisitely itching preoccupation that continues to irritate for days and even weeks. You probably recognize these symptoms of chigger bites. Yet we never see the culprits responsible for this summertime agony. What are chiggers? Why do they bite us? How can we stop that horrible itching?
This was a really good article, and I know down here in Texas, we fight these little boogers all summer! I know so much more about chiggers than I would have ever cared to know, but I'm happy I know more now!-Caroline only has 10 more days of kindergarten! Wow...this year has gone by sooo fast!
-They are repainting the parking lot at work today, which really irks me because that is the only close parking. Not that I mind walking, I only complain in the afternoon when the Texas heat sets in.
-Back to Caroline...she is super whiny lately {I may have already told y'all that}, and I CANNOT figure out why! She will cry at the drop of a hat, she is overly sensitive, and it bothers me. I want to be able to help her. Luckily a kiss from mom mostly does the trick :)
-Betsy {one of my doggies} had a lot of fun last night. She got out and was running along the fence teasing the other doggies!

-Did I mention that I hate chiggers? Because I do, they itch like nothing else itches, and I think I am going to have to cut of my legs to make it stop. Seriously.
-I'm just about out of reading material...anyone read a good book(s) that I should read? And yes, I have done the Twilight thing....and loved it!
-Starbucks has this Valencia Orange Loaf....yummy. It's so moist and it has almonds sprinkled on top....just don't tell my husband about it! He's the Starbucks Nazi.
If you feel like joining in and sharing your random thoughts go ahead! This is a simple thing, really it is. There is no point, or direction to these posts, just simple musings you have that you are willing to share! Have Fun!!!!!
I must agree...chiggers are horrible! Why would God invent such a thing???
The car show was off Main in Deep Ellum at a place called Excuses. We'd never been to that place before, but it was a decent bar... Deep Ellum has really gone downhill, tho. Most of the places are closed down there now...for future developments and such we think. I hope it will get revived at some point!
have you read "My Sister's Keeper"? It was really good-
author: Jodi Picoult
I have chiggers right now from doing some work at my late great uncles farm. I always paint a little clear fingernail polish on the skin where they are burrowed in. This suffocates them and they die. NO MORE ITCHING!! Ok so Im not all that sure thats how it works because my Memaw taught us that when she was alive, but it works!
I didnt know that Caroline was in Kindergarten either, she and Taylor must be really close in age. Taylors last day of Kindergarten is in 10 days as well.
Love and Prayers Always to you guys,
We are lucky--no chiggers in my neck of Texas!
Your new blog header is just gorgeous! Love it!:)
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