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26 May 2009

Memorial Day

We didn't really have any plans for the long weekend other than going to one of Caroline's best friends birthday party. It was at a skating rink, which brought back so many childhood memories. Since most of the kids were 6 or so, they weren't very good at skating, but they were so darn cute!

Then on Sunday our friends ended up having a pool raising party/cookout, and Caroline and I had soooo much fun with our friends{Tab is farming right now, pesky harvest time and all, so he wasn't with us}! Robert & Lisa {the friends mentioned above} live really close to a creek that tends to flood so every year we get the pool ready for the summer. We spend many a happy, warm {hot! this is Texas} day in their pool soaking up the cool water, so we were glad to help! It took us about 20 people to get the job done, and then the waiting began...for it to fill up! Caroline was so excited, she was on pins & needles waiting for it to fill up. Even though we told her that it wouldn't be full until the next afternoon, Robert let her jump in once it was about a foot full, and she had a blast!

Robert made a little train for all the kids to ride in, and we all had a great time riding through the woods in it! The kids love it!


Later that night we all sat around eating and talking, we had such a good time with our wonderful friends! Thanks Robert & Lisa for such a great weekend!


Camily said...

For some reason, my blogroll hasn't been updating and I missed a bunch of posts! It looks like you guys had a blast! How fun!

And Kindergarten? My big boy starts in August and I don't want the time to go by too fast.

Laurie said...

Friends, Family & Fun! What a great combination for a wonderful weekend! Loved the train too!:)

Lindsey said...

Love the new header-so pretty! Glad you all had a fun weekend :)