If you feel like joining in and sharing your random thoughts go ahead! This is a simple thing, really it is. There is no point, or direction to these posts, just simple musings you have that you are willing to share! Have Fun!!!!!
-Why do people feel the need to yell at you when they are in the wrong? Seriously, a guy tried to pass us on the shoulder, in town, and then proceeded to yell at us! He tried to tell me that he just got back from Iraq, he served me...uh hello, it's Mother's Day {this was Sunday}...BACK OFF! Caroline agreed and yelled at him from her seat! Go baby! What nerve...
-I hate folding laundry. I have been thinking about it for 2 days while I sit and look at it in it's baskets, in our living room. I thought putting it there would help to motivate me to get it folded...it hasn't.
-I wish my dogs could bathe themselves.
-I really, really want a pedicure.
-I'm mad at the Wii Fit. The JackKnife reps have me in serious pain right now.
-I need to go to the bathroom, but I'm too busy trying to remember all the other things I wanted to use for this post, so I am doing my own version of the potty dance! Ha!
-Who do you think is going to win the Biggest Loser? I'm still undecided...
-I'm glad Joan Rivers won the Celebrity Apprentice...Annie Duke was too much for me, not that I am a huge Joan fan, but Annie was...nevermind.
What are your random thoughts today?
I totally agree with jacknife on the Wii Fit! I did it yesterday and today I couldn't even do it, my lower back hurt--crazy!
Lovin' that Joan won Apprentice also! She was the lesser of 2 evils!
Great Though Filled Tuesday!;)
I have so much cleaning to do ... Madeline's 2nd birthday party is Saturday. I have the party planned for outside. Now it's going to rain! I could scream!
I guess mine is more of a ranting Tuesday.
Love this post! I think Mike is going to win for B.L. Or possibly Ron, but he would never let Mike NOT win.
So glad Joan won, too!
Try Sally Hansen's pedicure in a minute & a couple coats of color...it helped me this past weekend to feel as if I had gotten a pedicure...but one is not in my budget.
Why do some men need constant help? And blame us for their misdeeds or things left undone. Thankfully, my ex-husband reminded me AGAIN today of why I'm not longer married to him. I guess I should be smiling instead of hacked off.
Why do I let my stomach get upset by dealing with such stupidity? I really want to learn to let it roll off better!
Thanks for the post about anything...it felt nice to vent!
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