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30 May 2011

Some Advice, por favor?

Really, I know I've been saying for quite some time that I was gonna be a better blogger.  I think I've hit a wall though.  I don't know what to blog about these days.  My ADD takes control and I start on one thing and jump to the next before I ever get the chance to finish the first, lol!  

So I need some advice.  How oh how do I get back into the swing of things with my blog?  Now I know I'm not some mega blog that has tons of readers, but I don't want to lose the few of you that I have!  I love the community that bloggers have created.  The words of encouragement, the friendships, the support, the laughs.  

Friends, please give me some advice, tips or words of wisdom...I need them!


Caroline's school had a wax museum for the 2nd grade.  All the 2nd graders had to study about a famous person, memorize a few facts about them and then play that person in a wax museum!  It was the cutest thing ever!  They had to put together a costume, and then the whole school and parents got to walk through the wax museum and learn about each person.  Of course Caroline has to pick the most glamorous person she can think of...Cleopatra!  Why does she pick Cleopatra?  Because she wears make-up, and wears pretty dresses with sparkles and sequins!  LOL!  Cracks me up!  I didn't' have anything that could pass as a costume, so I got to work!  I got some pale green satiny fabric and sewed her a simple sheath dress, then made her a beaded collar and belt!  It turned out super cute and she loved it!

This was my inspiration for her costume

And this is my take on it

And this is my little cutie with one of her friends Marie Curie!

1 comment:

Nicole said...


First of all ... don't stop blogging. I miss you as it is.

Second ... just do what you just did! Post a cute pic of Caroline, tell what she's doing, there!

Third ... do some of those regular link-up things. I do Mondays and Tuesdays. Then that just has me blogging other random things Wednesday through Friday, and some on the weekends if I have something. But I know I always have Monday and Tuesday covered. And I usually have at least Wednesday and sometimes Thursday's posts done by Tuesday afternoon.

Anyway, love ya!
