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18 May 2011

Sweet Daisy Mae

I've avoided this post for quite some time.  It makes me sad to write it.  My sweet, sweet Daisy Mae had to be put down.  Y'all...I loved precious hound dog.  It totally broke my heart.  No one really knows what happened, but the vet does know that she was in severe kidney failure, either caused by eating something toxic or Leptospirosis.  I had to make the decision to put her was the hardest and best thing I could do for her.  Caroline and I went to say goodbye and I stayed with Daisy Mae till the end.  Daisy Mae came home with us and we picked out a special place in the front yard under a tree for her to rest.  We had a little "service" for her and put some of her favorite things with her and said our good-byes.

Our big dogs, Heidi and Betsy were so sad that day, they knew.  It just broke my heart.  I cried all darn night.  They missed their buddy and I missed my sweet girl.  

  I love you Daisy Mae!!!!


Nicole said...

I am so sorry! That makes me sad!!!

Unknown said...

How sad! I hope you and Caroline are doing ok.

Courtney and the Boys said...

So, so sorry. There's nothing in the world like our furry family members. We had to put down our dog, Olivia, a year and a half ago due to kidney failure, too. I cried for over a week. :( Thinking of you...
