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27 January 2010

Goodness Gracious

Good grief!  I mean come on, how much more can happen?  Maybe I shouldn't ask such a question!  I finally went to the chiropractor yesterday, I've had horrible lower back pain for years, and just ignored it.  It's gotten to the point where I just hurt all the time.  I can't get comfortable when I sit, sleep, ever!  So we decided it was finally time to get it checked out.  I really kinda thought I would go in and the doc would laugh at me and tell me nothing was wrong.  If only!  So he starts to feel around on my back and he starts making all these noises, "ummm...ughhh...ummm".  Great!  So he tells me he thinks I have some "shifted vertebrea".  Off to x-ray I go!  He tells me he wants to see me the rest of the week and we'll
talk about our plan for treatment.

All the while, I'm still kinda thinking that it's really nothing and he's gonna have x-rayed me for no good reason.  I get there this afternoon, and the x-rays are already up on the wall.  I couldn't believe my eyes!  My poor back was all jacked up! 

One x-ray showed how "sway-backed" I am , which he told me was definitely more than the normal curve of the spine.  I have what is called Lordosis.  It also showed the spaces between each vertabrea
 and that I had about 4 pinched nerves {3 for sure}!

The next one shows that my back is crooked, like as in Scoliosis.  I panicked big time!  He told me that no, I didn't have Scoliosis, but I was born with a Congenital Back Defect.  Huh?  Basically where my tailbone ends, and my spine starts, my tailbone tried to develop an extra vertabrea, which fused itself to my 1st vertabrea.  This can't be fixed.  And it has caused the "shifted vertabrea", and all the horrible pain.  He hopes with daily treatment he will be able to get my spine back in-line, thus relieving the pinched nerves. 

So my total back issues are:

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis



Please say a quick prayer for some relief from this pain and wisdom that the doc can fix me up with no surgery!  I swear, if it's not one's another!


Camily said...

Oh. My. Gosh. You poor thing! I can't believe it! Praying for relief for you! Good treatment and all those little back exercizes!

Camily said...

Forgot to say--love your hair! Bye Brenda!

Shorty said...

Sending you lots of prayers and good wishes, my friend. I hope you get relief quickly and your doctor knows what he's doing. Keep us posted!

Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training said...

Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry to hear that but at least you now know what has been causing the pain. Hope things get back in line for ya VERY soon!

Elyse said...

Oh My Goodness! I will definatly be praying for you and your doctor's to decide the best treatment for action. Holy cow! You and Hollie don't seem to have very good backs! Geez!

Rebecca said...

weird, i have lumbar spinal stenosis too! i also have a herniated disc. :( i feel you on how horrible back pain is. and if you're anything like me, when your back hurts, it affects everything! :( so sorry you're hurting but i'll pray you get on a good treatment plan and find some relief soon. i've been going to a chiro for over half my life and i truly believe in it. it's a lot at first (time and $) but if you stick with it, you'll eventually only need to come in for maintenance once a month or so, so it all evens out. hang in there!! and drink some wine at night to loosen things up! ;)

Martha Jones said...

Poor thing! I am so sorry to hear about your back. Back problems are the pits! I will definitely keep you in my prayers!