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03 February 2010

Love Shack Baby

A few weeks ago we spent a Saturday night celebrating with a huge group of friends.  It was one couples anniversary and a birthday thrown in too!  We all met up to watch more of our friends, who's band {HOT Road Gang...which stands for Heart of TX} was playing at a place just outside of town.  Just a small country band, but fun nonetheless!  We had so much fun having dinner, dancing and singing!

Justin & Amanda

H.O.T. Road Gang

Frank{Tab's daddy} & Carolyn{She's Lisa's mom...she's like our granny}

Debbie & Amamda

Justin & His mom Lisa


Robert & Me

Tab & Me

After the band played we headed over to one of our houses for karaoke!  I tell you, we crack ourselves up!  I can't sing to save my life, so they always try to get my up there. But we have so much fun!  Tab and our friend Robert always sing, "Luchenbach Texas", Robert and his wife Lisa always sing, "I Got You Babe".  So much fun!

Justin was so sweet...he was singing to Amanda

How cute are they?  Robert & Lisa singing "I Got You Babe".

Amanda decided that she and I had to sing, "Love Shack ".....seriously?  Yep.  She was serious.  So we get up there, and we had such a good time!  Another friend left shortly after our stunning duet {lol!} and then we slowly started to trickle home.  The next day, we all cooked and were getting together to watch the games.  When I got there one of the girls smacked me on the arm.  Huh?  She said, "That's for last night.  You and Amanda kept me up until 5am."  Huh?  We were sound asleep in our beds at 5am!  Then she tells me that every time she would drift off to sleep, she would instantly hear/see us singing "Love Shack", and she couldn't fall asleep!  Amanda, I have chosen to take this as a compliment of the highest regards.


Laurie said...

Looks like you guys had a fun night out!! Yay for friends!!:)

Shorty said...

So glad you had fun! It's always good getting out with friends. I wish I could find somewhere to hear some good live music without having to drive to Dallas!