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19 February 2010

10 Days Really?

These long lapses between posts are beginning to get more frequent...I promise I really will try to get better!  I have so much to say, but I just don't have enough time {no comments daddy!}!  Caroline has now lost her top 2 front teeth...ohhhh she's so darn cute!  I remember looking back at pictures of me at that stage and thinking, "aw...poor thing!", but maybe when it's your little one it's cute?  Not really sure, but I could just eat her up!

I've been working on a few custom orders over the past week, and I'll be putting the finishing touches on them tonight!  I love creating things, changing them, making them my own...or your own.  It totally feeds my creativity to sit down with a new project and get it done!

I'll try to catch up over the weekend!

1 comment:

Trina said...

lol Yes I think I was scary looking when I was missing teeth, but I think Rayna (and Caroline!) are adorable! :)